All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.
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Public Works - Engineering Division
630 Garden Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 564-5363 Tel.
(805) 564-5467 Fax
Mailing Address
City of Santa Barbara
P.O. Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990
Monday through Thursday
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PT)
Alternate Fridays
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PT)
Calendar of Closed Fridays
Engineering Division
Engineering Staff
Major Public Improvement Projects
The Project would construct pedestrian and bicycle improvements on East Cabrillo Boulevard between Los Patos Way and the Cabrillo Interchange, to provide safe coastal access for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Project would reconfigure the intersection of East Cabrillo Boulevard and Los Patos Way and replace the existing Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Bridge.
De La Guerra Plaza was designated a Public Square in 1853 and has since served as Santa Barbara’s center of town. In addition to serving as a civic center, it has provided the location for the original Police and Fire Stations. It is the venue for political activism and events including Old Spanish Days. De La Guerra Plaza presents an opportunity for the City to revitalize and reactivate its center of town. A revitalized Plaza will involve expanding the available space by making structural and aesthetic improvements to better serve the community’s arts and cultural events throughout the year.
The Desal Link project will connect key community water sources by installing an underground pipeline between the Charles E. Meyer Desalination Plant and water mains connected to the Cater Water Treatment Plant. This new pipeline will enable desalinated water to reach our entire service area while enhancing system resiliency and improving water quality.
Desal Link Pipeline Project
The Eastside neighborhood of Santa Barbara has a propensity for walking and biking and it needs safe and easy connections. The neighborhood lacks alternatives to biking along the high-speed, busy Milpas Street corridor, which carries over 20,000 vehicles per day and saw 18 bike-involved collisions between 2011-2015. Walking can also be an uneasy experience for residents, with missing sidewalks and inadequate crossings in some locations. With a focus on low-vehicular streets, the Eastside Community Paseos will provide a safe route to local schools and parks, encouraging students to bike or walk. It will also create a crosstown bike network by connecting to the Westside Community Paseos Project. Key features will include improved crosswalks, pedestrian refuge islands, new sidewalk, landscaped peninsulas, traffic diverters, and green striping where bike lanes extend through intersections.
Eastside Community Paseos
The City of Santa Barbara, County of Santa Barbara, and the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments have partnered on the Olive Mill Roundabout Project to create a new intersection configuration to enhance traffic operations and safety for motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The Project will complement the proposed improvements included in the north segment of the U.S. Highway 101 High Occupancy Vehicle lanes project.
Olive Mill Roundabout Project
The existing Santa Barbara City Police Station, located at 215 East Figueroa Street, was constructed in 1959. Since that time, there have been substantial increases in both City population and Police Department staff. In addition, the building does not meet modern seismic safety and accessibility standards. Together, growth and insufficient building standards have created the need for a new, accessible, and modernized facility.
Santa Barbara Police Station Project
The Westside neighborhood of Santa Barbara has a propensity for walking and biking, however, it lacks bike facilities and a safe and easy crosstown connection. The Westside Community Paseos will establish safe and efficient connections from the Westside to the Downtown area, the Eastside, and to schools and parks. With a focus on low vehicular-volume streets, the improvements will also provide a safe route to four local schools, encouraging students to bike or walk. Key features will include improved crosswalks, access ramps, improved signage, high visibility bike lanes, traffic signals, traffic diverter medians, and new street lighting. It will also create a connected crosstown bike network by connecting to the Eastside Community Paseos Project.
Westside Community Paseos
Public Improvements
Occasionally you may see construction crews removing the street corner to install pedestrian access ramps. These ramps are intended to allow easy access to crosswalks for pedestrians with disabilities, families with young children, seniors and other travelers when crossing the street. For more information about access ramps, click on the button below..
For more information regarding current bridge projects around town click on the button below.
The Engineering Division is responsible for maintaining over 235 centerline miles of paved City streets as part of the City’s pavement maintenance program, which is a component of the City’s Streets Capital Program.
For more information, click on the button below.
The City is currently divided into six pavement maintenance zones that are on an annual maintenance rotation. Each year, pavement maintenance is generally focused on one pavement maintenance zone, although consideration is given to high-priority pavement maintenance needs throughout the City that may be outside of that year’s designated maintenance zone.
For more information, click on the button below.
Resource Documents
The purpose of these Standards is to provide for quality, well-functioning site access and vehicle storage. These Standards address parking design, on-site circulation, and the interface of property with the City's circulation network.
The City of Santa Barbara’s CAD Standards are designed to maximize the efficiency and quality of design for all City staff and consultants. The .zip file contains all of the templates, blocks, plot configurations, and data files necessary to use the CAD Standards. The .pdf example file demonstrates how the title sheet and secondary sheets should appear when plotted using the CAD Standards.
This link deals with Section Titles of Construction Standards. A Table of Contents, Hardscape, Drainage, Lighting, Traffic, Sanitary Sewer, Water, and Underground Utility Details are all linked from this page.
City of Santa Barbara - Construction Standard Details
Construction Standard Details - Section G: Title Sheet and Table of Contents
Construction Standard Details - Section H: Hardscape
Construction Standard Details - Section D: Drainage
Construction Standard Details - Section L: Lighting
Construction Standard Details - Section T: Traffic
Construction Standard Details - Section S: Sanitary Sewer
Construction Standard Details - Section W: Water
Construction Standard Details - Section U: Underground Utilities
The goal of this guideline is to promote a high standard of quality for lighting in commercial and residential areas of Santa Barbara, and to assist Design Review Boards, Planning staff, architects, lighting designers, and applicants with an understanding of the concepts behind good lighting design and a means to achieve that goal by establishing parameters to enable reviewers to determine that the intent of the guidelines has been met.