Contact Us
132-A Harbor Way
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
Phone: (805) 564-5531
Fax: (805) 560-7580
Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Rates and Fees
The following is a summary of rates and fees for Santa Barbara Harbor adopted by City Council Resolution and effective July 1, 2024. Contact the Harbormaster’s Office at (805) 564-5531 for more information.
West Beach Permit Requirements & Restrictions
West Beach Vessel Storage Requirements |
Size Restrictions | Outriggers and rowing dories shall be no longer than forty-five (45) feet in length nor wider than seven (7) feet; Sailing outriggers shall be no longer than forty-five (45) feet in length nor wider than eighteen (18) feet; and sailboats shall be no longer than sixteen (16) feet nor wider than six (6) feet. |
Other Restrictions |
To Apply: Complete an application at the Waterfront Office on or after the first day of the season or click below to apply online. Applicants will receive a confirmation email and will be contacted by staff upon review of your application in the order that it was received.
Catamaran Beach Requirements & Restrictions
Catamaran Beach Vessel Storage Requirements | Vessel registered owner completes application at the Waterfront Office on or after the first day of permit sales for the year or the annual permit sale. Registered owner presents current vessel registration and personal I.D. with application. Permit fee is paid. Vessel registration numbers are properly displayed on vessel. Valid Cat Beach permit sticker is affixed to vessel. |
Size Restrictions | Catamarans shall be no longer than twenty-six (26) feet in length nor wider than thirteen (13) feet. |
Other Restrictions | Catamarans must be placed within designated area only. No commercial activities allowed. Permits are non-transferable. Trailer storage not permitted on beach. |
Item & Rate | # of Permits & Storage Racks / Season |
Catamaran Beach Storage $350 / Season | 65 permits issued (Catamarans) 1st Friday of April through October 31st |
West Beach Storage $375 / Year | 51 permits issued for outriggers, sailboats, rowing dories, and surf skis) Sold annually starting the 2nd Friday of March |
West Beach Storage Racks $2,000 / Year | 6 permits issued (storage racks) each rack may hold a maximum of 8 single person, human-powered vessels Sold annually starting the 2nd Friday of March |
Skiff Row $300 / Year Prorated at $50 / Month | 80 permits issued Sold annually starting October 1st *Restrictions apply |
The City of Santa Barbara has been featured in a number of motion pictures, commercials, catalog shoots, and reality shows. From It's Complicated, Sideways, and Seabiscuit to The Amazing Race, Keeping up with the Kardashians, and Top Chef, Santa Barbara has served as the backdrop for a multitude of film/video productions due to our great variety of picture perfect locations to choose from and fantastic weather year-round.
Permit Requirements
The City of Santa Barbara offers a one-stop permitting process with the Parks and Recreation Department acting as the lead in issuing photo and film permits. Parks and Recreation staff coordinate as many internal logistics as possible among other City departments such as Police, Fire, Public Works, and Waterfront to help make your project a successful one.
Note that a photo and film/video permit is always required for any shoot, with the only exception being not-for-profit photo shoots occurring on private property, having no impact on the public.
The photo/film/video permit application can be found on the Santa Barbara County Film Commission website.
Fees for the use of the Marine Center Classroom, Waterfront Community Meeting Room, or Waterfront Conference Room shall be:
- $50 per hour/$200 per day maximum for commercial and/or private non-ocean related users.
- $25 per hour/$100 per day maximum for commercial and/or private, ocean related activities.
- $25 per hour/$100 per day maximum for non-profit and educational institutions where food and/or drinks are consumed.
- $15 per hour/$50 per day maximum for non-profit and educational institutions where food and drinks are not consumed.
- Use of the Waterfront meeting rooms by other City Departments will be charged at the rates noted above in #3 and #4 unless expressly waived by the Waterfront Director.
- There will be no charge for non-profit ocean related organizations with the Waterfront Director’s approval.
- A refundable security deposit of $100 is required from all room users unless expressly waived by the Waterfront Director. Any cleaning costs in excess of the security deposit will be charged to the user. The cleaning fee will be charged $45 per hour. Any room damage will be charged to the user.
If you are interested in reserving a meeting room, please contact Angela Rodriguez, Administrative Analyst, at
The following is a summary of rates and fees for Santa Barbara Harbor adopted by City Council Resolution and effective July 1, 2024.
Harbor Main Lot:
- Single Vehicle $3.50 per hour or any part of an hour
- Single Vehicle Daily Max $20.00 per day per space
- Non-Surrendered Single Vehicle Ticket $60.00
- Boat Trailer $3.50 per hour or any part of an hour
- Boat Trailer Daily Max $8.00 per day per space
- Non-Surrendered Boat Trailer Ticket $32.00
Stearns Wharf:
- Single Vehicle $4.00 per hour or any part of an hour
- Single Vehicle Daily Max $40.00 per day per space
- Non-Surrendered Vehicle Ticket $60.00
- ADA Parking First 2 ½ hours free. After the initial 2 ½ each hour or part of the hour is $4.00
Self-Pay Lots:
- Single Vehicle: $3.50 per hour, accepts cash, debit cards and credit cards
- Single Vehicle Max. Daily Rate: $20.00 maximum per day, accepts cash, debit cards and credit cards
- Comments: 22-feet and under, Monitored Daily
Oversized Vehicles In Self-Pay Lots Only:
- Oversized Vehicles: $7.00 per hour, accepts cash, debit cards and credit cards
- Oversized Vehicles Max. Daily Rate: $40.00 maximum per day, accepts cash, debit cards and credit cards
- Comments: Over 22-feet to 33-feet, must park in yellow stalls only, (5 stalls per lot)
ADA Parking: * Same as regular parking rates
The Waterfront Department has had a slip assignment policy in place for decades in order to effectively manage the transfer of slips from one permittee to another. City Council first adopted a policy to manage slip permit transfers in 1975. Although there have been some changes over the years, the general foundation and intent of the policy has remained the same.
Below are documents pertaining to slip permit transfer policies.
1982 Report on Santa Barbara Trust Lands
1982 Grand Jury Report
1984 Grand Jury Report
1984 Response to Grand Jury Report
1990 Grand Jury Report
1990 Council Report of Grand Jury Report
1990 Response to Grand Jury Report
1999 Council Report Review of Slip Transfer Policy
2001 Grand Jury Report
2001 Response to Grand Jury Report
2008 DBW Survey of 10 CA Public Marinas
2016 Grand Jury Report
2020 Harbor Commission Slip Assignment Policy PowerPoint
2020 Harbor Commission Slip Assignment Policy Report
2021 SLC Family Additions Request Letter
2021 SLC Family Additions Response Letter
2021 Slip Assignment Policy Subcommittee PowerPoint