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Transportation Policy and Master Plan Documents
On November 25, 1997, the City Council adopted resolution 97-143 amending the General Plan and incorporating the Circulation Element and related Local Coastal Plan Amendment into the City’s General Plan. The Circulation Element was certified by the California Coastal Commission in September of 1998.
The Circulation Element is a required element of the City's General Plan. In 2011, the City Council adopted Plan Santa Barbara, which included a readoption of the 1997 Circulation Element and new Circulation Element policies.
Full Circulation Element Master Plan
To view the individual sections, please click on the links below:
Comprehensive Goal and Vision Statement
Goal 01 - Provide a transportation system that supports economic vitality
Goal 02 - Strive to Achieve Equality of Choice Among Modes
Goal 03 - Increase the Availability and Use of Transit
Goal 04 - Increase Bicycling as a Transportation Mode
Goal 05 - Increase Walking and Other Paths of Travel
Goal 06 - Reduce the Use of the Automobile for Drive-Alone Trips
Goal 07 - Increase Access by Optimizing Parking Citywide
Goal 08 - Increase Parking Availability and Access for Downtown Customers
Goal 09 - Develop Special Policies Related to Transportation and Parking in the Coastal Zone
Goal 10 - Develop a Mobility System that will Carry all Modes of Transportation, from Automobiles to Pedestrians
Goal 11 - Review Traffic Impact Standards at City Intersections
Goal 12 - Establish a Process to Include Neighborhoods in the Discussion of the Effects of Traffic
Goal 13 - Apply Land Use and Planning Tools and Strategies that Support the City's Mobility Goals
Goal 14 - Coordinate with Regional Systems and Goals
Goal 15 - Other Transportation Facilities
Goal 16 - Public Utilities
Other - Appendices
Other - Glossary
The development of the City of Santa Barbara’s Pedestrian Master Plan was directed by the adoption of the City’s Circulation Element in 1997. The Pedestrian Master Plan was written by City staff in cooperation with Alta Planning + Design. The plan was adopted by the City Council with resolution 06-065 on July 18, 2006.
To view the individual sections, please click on the links below:
Cover and Table of Contents
Chapter 01: Introduction
Chapter 02: History of the Pedestrian System
Chapter 03: The Pedestrian System Today
Chapter 04: Goals and Policies
Chapter 05: Goal 1 - Improving the Pedestrian System
Chapter 06: Goal 2 - Establishing and enhancing Safe Routes to School
Chapter 07: Goal 3 - Protecting and Expanding the Paseo System
Chapter 08: Pedestrian Design Guide
Chapter 09: Goal 5 - Encouraging People to Walk
Chapter 10: Goal 6 - An Institutional Foundation that Supports Pedestrians
Appendix A - Counts
Appendix B – Accessibility Survey
Appendix C - Intersection Counts
Appendix D - Improvement Maps
Appendix E – Goals, Policies and Strategies
Appendix F – Priority Locations
The community-driven Santa Barbara Bicycle Master Plan (also known as the SB BMP) outlines the goals, policies, and implementation strategies that will improve bicycle safety, convenience, facilities, and infrastructure in the City of Santa Barbara. The plan will enhance and preserve Santa Barbara’s circulation system for all road users by increasing the number of trips taken by bicycle and reducing future traffic congestion levels and parking demand. The plan implements other General Plan goals and policies such as Healthy Communities and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction. The update of the City of Santa Barbara’s Bicycle Master Plan was directed by the adoption of the City’s Circulation Element, Policy 4.1, in 1997. The plan was adopted by the City Council on July 26, 2016.
To view the individual sections, please click on the links below:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Community Engagement
Chapter 3: Goal 1 - Safety for All Road Users
Chapter 4: Goal 2 - Closing Gaps in the Network
Chapter 5: Goal 3 - Complete Streets and Multimodal Access
Chapter 6: Goal 4 - Santa Barbara Style Infrastructure
Chapter 7: Recommended Bicycle Projects
Chapter 8: Making it Happen - Financing and Implementation
Appendix A: Outreach & Media Strategy
Appendix B: Public Outreach Findings
Appendix C: Traffic Safety and Impact Assessment (CEQA exemption)
Appendix D: General Plan Element Goals/Policies Consulted
Appendix E: Additional Background Documentation
Appendix F: Bicycle Collision Analysis
Council Agenda Report - 2022 Bicycle Master Plan Update And Addendum
Council Agenda Report - Attachment 1, 2016 Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Summary
Council Agenda Report - Attachment 2:
The update of the City of Santa Barbara’s Bicycle Master Plan was directed by the adoption of the City’s Circulation Element, Policy 4.1, in 1997. The Bicycle Master Plan was written by City staff in cooperation with the Bicycle Leadership Team. It involved gathering of community input and field research. The plan was adopted by the City Council by resolution 98-133 on October 13, 1998. The plan was re-adopted by Council in 2003 and 2008 to meet State requirements.
Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Bicycle Master Plan
Chapter 2 - History of the Bicycle in Santa Barbara
Chapter 3 - The Bicycle System Today - Part One: Community Input
Chapter 4 - Goals, Policies and Coordination
Chapter 5 - Goal 1 - Making A Decision to Ride
Chapter 6 - Goal 2 - Improving the Bicycle Network
Chapter 7 - Goal 3 - Removing Destination Barriers
Appendix - Possible Funding Sources
2003 Supplement to the Bicycle Master Plan
2003 Bicycle Master Plan Map Update
2008 Supplement to the Bicycle Master Plan
2008 Bicycle Master Plan Map Update
The City of Santa Barbara was amongst the first cities to adopt a planning document for bicycle facilities. In response to community request for improved bicycle facilities, the City conducted community outreach, surveys, and interviews to develop the City's first Bikeway Master Plan in 1974.