
Welcome to Human Resources
All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.
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Through strategic partnerships and collaboration with departments and the public, Human Resources develops and delivers programs and services to support and strengthen the City's workforce to deliver the highest standard of service to the public.
735 Anacapa Street, Bottom Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Business Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed alternate Fridays and Holidays
Phone: (805) 564-5316
Fax: (805) 897-1905
Email: HR@SantaBarbaraCA.gov
City of Santa Barbara LinkedIn
735 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: (805) 963-0611
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and alternate Fridays.
City of Santa Barbara, PO Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990
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