All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.


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Gardening Classes


Upcoming Classes:

No upcoming events. Please check the calendar on for Countywide classes and events.


Recordings of Past Webinars:

Landscape Site Assessment

Learn to create a site plan, plot trees & plants in your landscape, and create water usage goals. Taught by Sweetwater Collaborative.

Water Wise Native Plants

Learn about beautiful native trees, shrubs, groundcovers, and annual plants to incorporate in your garden. Provided in partnership with the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. 

Firewise Landscaping

Learn best management practices to create and maintain gardens in high fire risk zones while saving water and providing habitat for native species. Provided in partnership with UC Santa Barbara, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, and the City of Santa Barbara Fire Department.

Finding & Repairing Leaks Inside & Out

Hidden leaks can start small and add up quickly - learn how to locate and easily repair common leaks.

Sprinkler Timers

Learn how to set and maintain your sprinkler timer programs - control your controller!

Sprinkler Systems

This class is focused on irrigation systems with pop up spray zones. Get an overview of designs for optimal watering and what can be done to easily and inexpensively retrofit the system to be more water efficient - no digging required!

Drip Irrigation

This class is geared toward homeowners and gardeners who want to better understand their existing drip system. We’ll discuss what makes it so efficient, how to troubleshoot common problems, and simple design tips to get the most from your drip system.


Get an overview of the concepts, design, and best practices for laundry to landscape and shower to flower graywater systems.

Rainwater Harvesting

Get an overview of the concepts, design, and best practices for rainwater harvesting in the soil and in rain tanks.

Water Wise Garden Maintenance

Learn the basics of plant establishment, irrigation, pruning, fertilization, and mulching for a beautiful, sustainable garden in this webinar.