All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.


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Demonstration Gardens


Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden

City block bounded by Santa Barbara, Arrellaga, Garden and Micheltorena Streets, Santa Barbara. A 4.6-acre informal park emphasizing exotic flora. The planting areas are separated according to cultural conditions, ranging from boggy to arid, with a special section on low-water using plants. Plant directory is near center of the park, above the pond. Low-water using demonstration portion is southern half of garden with a interpretative sign, brochure, and plant list in the southwest corner of the garden. Open 8 am to sunset every day. Free. Click here for a photo tour of the garden.

Firescape Garden

2411 Stanwood Drive/Route 192 (corner of Mission Ridge Road), Santa Barbara. Located across the street from Fire Station #7, this 1.7-acre labeled model garden demonstrates how risks of wildfire can be reduced through appropriate planting of low-water using plants, irrigation, and management. Open 8 am to sunset every day. Free. Parking is available in the gravel lot by Fire Station #7 or at the Sheffield Reservoir Open Space parking lot. Click here for a photo tour of the garden

Santa Barbara City College

721 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara. (805) 965-0581. Lifescape Garden/Chumash Point Ethnobotanic Preserve. The Lifescape Garden features a variety of low-water using and edible plants, as well as composting systems and efficient irrigation. Chumash Point emphasizes native plants from the range of the Chumash Indians. These plants have medicinal, nutritional and spiritual importance to the Chumash. Open sunrise to sunset every day. Free.

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

12212 Mission Canyon Road, Santa Barbara. (805) 682-4726. A 65-acre garden of native plants of California, representing a variety of plant communities and important botanical and horticultural collections. The Home Demonstration Garden at the Botanic Garden is a working model of year-round water efficient landscaping for residential settings. The Garden is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm and on weekends from 9:00 am - 5:00 PM Small admission fee. For more information go to Santa Barbara Botanic GardenClick here for a photo tour of the garden.

Santa Barbara Historical Museum

136 East De La Guerra Street (corner of Santa Barbara Street), Santa Barbara. (805) 966-1601. Small, award-winning, unlabeled cactus and succulent gardens in the courtyard and in front of the museum. Courtyard is open during museum hours, Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 PM, Sunday noon to 5:00 PM Garden viewing only is free.

El Estero Recycled Water Garden

The Recycled Water Demonstration Garden at the El Estero Water Resource Center showcases the many different varieties of plants that can thrive on recycled water. Currently not available for tours due to construction.Click here to view the garden plant list

Montecito Water District

583 San Ysidro Road (above East Valley Road), Montecito. (805) 969-2271. A labeled low-water using garden featuring a variety of Mediterranean plants. Open 8 am to sunset every day. Free.

Goleta Water District

4699 Hollister Avenue (corner of Puente Street), Goleta. (805) 964-6761. Features many native California plants and other water wise plants. Open 8 a.m. to sunset every day. Free.