Water Education
Clean Creeks and Watershed Education Presentations
Watershed Model (Grade 3-6)
Using a watershed model students learn about water movement through an urbanized watershed, how pollution gets into our creeks and ocean, and the effects it has on the health of our environment. Solutions to help prevent pollution are discussed. Visit Explore Ecology, call (805) 884-0459 ext.16, or email Education@ExploreEcology.org to schedule a presentation.
Creek Kids Series (Grade 4-6)
The Creek Kids Series includes two in-class lessons and one half-day field trip to both the Watershed Resource Center and to a local creek. Students participate in hands-on activities to learn about the physical, biological components of a healthy creek, watersheds and how they work, sources of water pollution, and what students can do to improve creek and ocean water quality. Free buses available. Visit Explore Ecology, call (805) 884-0459 ext.16, or email Education@ExploreEcology.org to schedule series.
Field Trips
Clean water is critical to public and environmental health. Tour the treatment facilities, participate in creek restoration efforts, or learn about the design of our water works in these tours and fieldtrips.
El Estero Water Resource Center (Grade 5 and up)
Tours of El Estero are on hold until further notice.
Students interact with plant operators and scientists to get the inside scoop on the strange and interesting physical, biological, and chemical wastewater treatment processes. A microscope exploration of microbes gets students up close with these mysterious organisms that help to clean our water.
Creek Restoration Opportunities, Restoration Project Tours, and Creek and Beach Cleanup Opportunities (all grades)
The City's Creeks Division has identified a number of sites along the City’s creeks that provide opportunities for small community creek clean-up and restoration projects. Contact: Liz Smith (805) 603-1404, LSmith@SantaBarbaraCA.gov. The Creeks Division can also accommodate tours of creek restoration projects and host beach cleanup volunteer events.
Watershed Resource Center
Field trips to the Watershed Resource Center at Arroyo Burro County Beach Park include several hands on activities focusing on watersheds, water pollution, and what students can do to protect the health of our creeks and ocean. Free buses are available. Visit Explore Ecology, call (805) 884-0459 ext.16, or email Education@ExploreEcology.org to schedule a field trip.
"H20, Where Did You Go?"
Students learn all about the importance of water in this exciting two-man musical comedy presented by Shows That Teach. Contact the Santa Barbara County Water Agency at WaterWiseSB@cosbpw.net or (805) 568-3440 to see if your school is eligible for a FREE assembly, paid for by the City and County of Santa Barbara.
Water Awareness High School Video Contest
Each year water agencies from Santa Barbara County host the Water Awareness High School Video Contest. Any high school in Santa Barbara County can submit entries and receive cash prizes! Learn more at WaterWiseSB.org.
- For local curricula, materials, and water facts, visit the education page of WaterWiseSB.org
- For an interactive student water website, go to DiscoverWater.org
- To learn about the EPA's WaterSense Program for Kids visit EPA.gov
- K-12 Educational Videos from the Department of Water Resources
- US Geological Survey's Water Science School