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Video Assistance Program


The City of Santa Barbara's Video Assistance Program (VAP) was established to assist property owners with City initiated SLIP cases with the first stage of the Sewer Lateral Inspection Program (SLIP) process. VAP participants will receive assistance up to $300 towards the inspection of their private sewer lateral by a City Contractor. Learn more about the VAP by reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions.

VAP Eligibility:

  • The VAP program is available to City Initiated SLIP cases only, Residential property that requires CCTV inspection due to defects found during routine CCTV inspection of the City's sewer mains. SLIP cases triggered by Private Lateral Sewer Discharge, building permits, or those properties identified as a Commercial, Industrial, or Common Interest Development (3 or more dwelling units) do not qualify.
  • VAP participants must have an accessible sewer cleanout in the ground, free from overgrown grass, plants, dirt, etc. Inaccessible cleanouts prevent the City Contractor from conducting the inspection. The sewer cleanout is a pipe that provides access to the sewer lateral and is typically located in front of the house and is usually topped with a black plastic cap. For guidance on locating your cleanout, review our Sewer Lateral Responsibility Graphic.
  • Acceptance into the VAP is on a first come, first service basis and applications must be submitted 30 days from the date of the "Request for Sewer Lateral Inspection" letter.
  • Participants will receive up to $300 in assistance to have their sewer lateral video inspected by a City Contractor. Payment will be made by the City directly to the Contractor. If the cost to inspect the lateral is over $300, the additional cost must be covered by the property owner.

Steps to Apply and Participate

  • Locate your cleanout and make sure it's accessible (i.e. free from overgrown grass, plants, dirt, etc.)
  • Submit a VAP application to the Sewer Lateral Inspection Program.
  • Once the application is received, SLIP staff will contact you to arrange a site visit to verify cleanout accessibility and program eligibility.
  • Once the property's cleanout is located and program eligibility is verified, SLIP staff will coordinate an inspection with the City's Contractor.
  • The City's Contractor will conduct the inspection and upload the video and inspection form to Forward Lateral, a web-based software for Sewer Lateral Inspections.
  • Once the information is uploaded property owners can follow the process via Forward Lateral, the City Contractor will invite you to participate via email.

After the Inspection

  • City staff will review the inspection for defects along the private sewer lateral and connection. A Certificate of Compliance stating no further actions are needed or a Repair Letter will be issued based on the condition of your lateral.
  • Review the Residential Property SLIP Procedure step-by-step guide to understand what to do if your lateral needs repairs.

SLIP staff is available to answer questions about the VAP, fill out this contact form if you would like to schedule an appointment.