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If you have any questions on this project, please contact:
(805) 560-7556
City of Santa Barbara Water Supply
ATTN Lincolnwood
P.O. Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102


Lincolnwood Water Project


The process to transition the Lincolnwood Mutual Water Company (LMWC) system to the City of Santa Barbara water system began in March 2021 and was completed in December 2022. The City coordinated closely with LMWC representatives and the City's contractor, Lash Construction, to understand the LMWC water system and developed a streamlined plan for the transition. The transition was completed on December 14, 2022, and the City of Santa Barbara water system now brings high quality, reliable water to Lincolnwood residents.


Understanding your water use. As a Santa Barbara water customer, your water use will be measured through your new meter and you will receive charges for water use on your monthly City utility bill per City water rates.  Following installation of your new meter and prior to issuing your first bill, we will read your water meter and conduct a sample billing showing an estimate of a full month’s water use and the corresponding bill based on City water rates. The sample bill will be for a time period when you are still connected to the LMWC system (not City water). This will be a “test run” to help you understand how much water you’re using and make adjustments, if needed, prior to receiving your first real water bill, which we anticipate will be in February 2023. Understanding how you use water is important for a number of reasons.

  1. On average, the City’s residential water customers use 9 HCF a month. You may find that you are using more than average, which could indicate you have a leak, inefficient irrigation scheduling, or your irrigation controller is malfunctioning.  City water customers are encouraged to get a free Water Checkup with City staff to assess water usage on your property and identify ways to save water and money on water bills. 
  2. Outside irrigation is the largest component of residential water use, and on average, 50% of that usage is lost to evaporation, runoff, and inefficient scheduling. There are a number of steps you can take to help minimize outdoor use, conserve water, and lower your bill. 
  3. Your water use also impacts your sewer bill. Because the City has not had water usage information to bill Lincolnwood customers volumetrically for sewer service, City sewer bills have been set at the maximum residential sewer bill, currently $59.78/month. Now, with water use data available, you may be able to lower the sewer portion of your bill – our Water Conservation staff will be happy to review your usage and help identify money-saving steps.

Understanding your water quality. Providing safe water and protecting public health remains our top priority. Our laboratory staff regularly perform rigorous testing to ensure our water meets all state and federal requirements. Each year, you will receive a detailed water quality report, and our lab staff are available to answer any water quality questions you may have. You can reach them at 805-568-1008.

Frequently Asked Questions

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