Pavement Maintenance
The Engineering Division is responsible for maintaining over 235 centerline miles of paved City streets as part of the City’s pavement maintenance program, which is a component of the City’s Streets Capital Program.
The City is currently divided into six pavement maintenance zones that are on an annual maintenance rotation. Each year, pavement maintenance is generally focused on one pavement maintenance zone, although consideration is given to high-priority pavement maintenance needs throughout the City that may be outside of that year’s designated maintenance zone.
The City’s annual pavement maintenance projects typically include the following components:
- crack seal
- asphalt repair
- asphalt overlay/reconstruction
- slurry seal
The type of maintenance treatment selected for each street is based on pavement condition, traffic volume, and available funds. More details on how pavement maintenance is completed can be found here.
Due to limited funding and increasing pavement maintenance needs, the City is unable to treat every street within a pavement maintenance zone. As a result, the City is focusing limited resources on treating the streets with the highest traffic volumes, which serve the greatest number of users.
The City strives to provide effective pavement maintenance by strategically selecting both the streets to receive treatment, as well as the most appropriate pavement maintenance technique for each street, in order to utilize limited funding in the most efficient way possible. Watch an overview of the City’s Pavement Maintenance Program here.
While the Engineering Division manages the annual pavement maintenance projects, the Streets Maintenance program is responsible for ongoing maintenance of streets, pavement markings, street and traffic signs, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and the storm drain system. To report a pothole, graffiti, street sign repairs, storm drain repairs, etc., please contact the appropriate hotline.
Pavement Maintenance Program" Video