
Transportation Planning
Our mission is planning for Santa Barbara's transportation future so our community can move safely and actively through Santa Barbara using all forms of transportation.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Parking Permits for roll-off bins, storage containers, moving vans, or construction vehicle, contact the Public Works Front Counter at (805) 564-5388.
- Parking Permits for residents, special events, and trailers/mobile homes/trucks, contact the Downtown Parking Division at (805) 564-5656.
- Traffic signs and street maintenance, contact the Streets Division at (805) 564-5454
or email Streets@SantaBarbaraCA.gov - Bus transit schedules, contact Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) (805) 963-3366.
- Requesting zoned curbs (ADA blue, red, yellow, green, and white), contact the Downtown Parking Division at (805) 564-5656.
For general inquiries, contact us at (805) 564-5385.
Our Division:
- Reviews public and private development projects related to transportation issues such as on/off-site traffic circulation for all modes of travel, vehicle and bicycle parking design, parking demand, traffic analysis, and public improvements.
- Writes Transportation Capital Project Planning grants and participates in the concept, design, construction, and operational project phases.
- Implements the General Plan’s Circulation Element, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plans, Vision Zero Strategy, Safe Streets for All Plan, Safe Routes to School infrastructure, and various Neighborhood Transportation Management/Active Transportation Planning Efforts.