2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.

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Contact Information

Patty Herrera
Office Specialist II
(805) 897-2692


Street Tree Advisory Committee General Functions

The Street Tree Advisory Committee was established by the Park Commission on December 20, 1979, to advise the Commission on tree removals and planting. The three-member Committee was chaired by a member of the Park Commission with two other members appointed by the Commission. The Park Commission modified the membership on December 16, 1998, to establish three voting members with two-year terms, and to require that members reside within the City of Santa Barbara, and have interest and technical knowledge of trees and tree care issues. Park Commission members were made non-voting members, and the City Arborist was made non-voting staff liaison. The Committee membership was again modified September 22, 1999, to add two alternate members, so that if regular members were not in attendance, the alternates could be appointed to vote and a quorum could be maintained. On August 26, 2009, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to make the alternate members regular voting members at the request of the Committee, bringing the membership up to five voting members. On January 20, 2010, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to allow two members of the Committee to be a non-City resident.


To provide advice to the Parks and Recreation Department and Parks and Recreation Commission regarding planting and removing street trees, trees in front yard setbacks, and park and golf course trees.

General Functions

  • Provide direction and assistance toward the achievement of program results.
  • Assist in the functional operation of the Street Tree Program.
  • Serve as a channel for community feedback and input towards the improvement of services.
  • Advise staff and the Commission relative to issues of program consistency with Municipal Code Sections 15.20 and 15.24 pertaining to public trees and front yard trees and help to guide all policy decisions, so as to be in conformance with the Street Tree Master Plan (adopted 1976).


The Advisory Committee is established by and responsible to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Committee is responsible for working in concert with professional staff to facilitate the provision of quality services and serve as an available resource to the Parks and Recreation Commission for advice and counsel.

The Committee has no formal authority to dictate, authorize, or utilize City resources, personnel, or facilities. The Urban Forest Superintendent acts the liaison between the Parks and Recreation Department and the Committee.

Committee Functions


The Advisory Committee is composed of five voting members, who represent the diverse horticultural interests within the community, and by experience and/or education have specific technical knowledge or arboriculture or tree care, so as to be able to advise City staff in formulating reasonable tree management decisions. Two members may be a non-City resident.

  • Voting Members: Five community at-large, two may be a non-City resident
  • Liaison (non-voting):One Parks and Recreation Commissioner and one Staff member

Length of Term

Two years and until successors are appointed; staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.

Meeting Schedule

The Advisory Committee meets the first Thursday of each month. Special meetings are held as necessary. Advisory Committee meetings shall comply with the Brown Act.

Time Involved

The time commitment is approximately 36-40 hours per year for meetings and related activities.

Financial Disclosure Requirement

None - Committee acts in an advisory capacity only.




None - Committee acts in an advisory capacity only.

Vacancy Information