2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.

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Neighborhood Advisory Council General Functions

A significant focus for the community and City organization has been the increase in youth violence, and the social and economic factors affecting families and neighborhoods. There has been a need for better collaboration and improved delivery of programs and services for underserved youth and families, and improved connections with neighborhoods to facilitate effective prioritization and delivery of City resources.

In 2009, two programs within the Parks and Recreation Department, Community Services and Teen programs were merged to create Neighborhood and Outreach Services. The mission of the newly formed unit was to provide programs and outreach services to strengthen families, improve outcomes for children and youth, enhance neighborhoods and create stronger communities. The unit also works closely with the Neighborhood Improvement Task Force, local non-profits, and the Community Development and Human Services Commission, and focuses on building community networks and collaborations to increase delivery of necessary services to the target neighborhoods: Eastside, Lower Eastside, Laguna, West Downtown, Westside, and Lower Westside.

In November of 2010, City Council by resolution created the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) to support the resident focus on neighborhood issues. Three community center advisory committees were restructured into one joint council, shifting focus from community center-based recommendations to neighborhood-based representation, resident advocacy, youth voice, community outreach, resident participation, and to serve as a vehicle for resolution of neighborhood issues.


To provide guidance and operation assistance to the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Parks and Recreation Department in the provision of neighborhood services for residents of the City of Santa Barbara. As such, it will provide a vehicle for community input and assist in the mobilization of area resources to help meet neighborhood related interests and needs of the community.


  • Represent neighborhood residents to insure their concerns and issues are addressed.
  • Advise the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, Parks and Recreation Department, and other City Departments as appropriate and necessary, in matters pertaining to neighborhood services, needs, and other matters upon request.
  • Establish priorities regarding social service and capital program needs, and present NAC recommendations as appropriate and necessary to the Parks and Recreation Department, Neighborhood Improvement Task Force, and Community Development and Human Services Committee. Receive reports on agencies providing services in the specific neighborhoods and use of funds.
  • Advise Neighborhood and Outreach Services staff on resident outreach, participation, and community service projects.
  • Advise Neighborhood and Outreach Services, and the Parks and Recreation Department staff on maintenance, operation, programming, and policies of community centers to ensure that services are meeting the needs of residents.
  • Outreach and facilitate resident voice through NAC and town hall meetings.
  • Appoint sub-committees consisting of residents and resident advocates to address neighborhood concerns when appropriate. Sub-committees shall report back to the NAC.

Committee Functions


13 Members


  • Eight (8) members shall be residents of the following six (6) neighborhoods: Westside, Lower Westside, West Downtown, Eastside, Lower Eastside, and Laguna (as those neighborhoods are described in the General Plan Land Use Element).
  • Five (5) members shall be members at large and may reside in any area of the City. No more than three (3) members shall be residents of any one of the specified neighborhoods.
  • Of the thirteen members, the City Council may, but is not required to, appoint up to three (3) youth of age sixteen (16) years or older. Priority in youth assignments should be given to youth from the six (6) specified neighborhoods.        

Time Involved

A minimum of 2 – 3 hours for meetings and related activities.

Financial Disclosure Requirement


Ethics Training Requirement

The City of Santa Barbara requires members of this council to take City ethics training within one year after member is appointed or reappointed.  




None Resolution No. 10-087