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Contact Information

Dayton Aldrich
Community Development Programs Specialist
(805) 897-2624

Lindsey Drewes
Community Development Programs Specialist
(805) 564-5470 x 4344

Mailing Address
Dayton Aldrich, Community Development Programs Specialist
PO Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990


Community Development & Human Services Committee General Functions

The Community Development and Human Services Committee (CDHSC) was established in 1994 by Resolution No. 94-120 and is a combination of the Citizens Task Force on Community Development and the Human Services Committee. The City annually receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the Federal government to be used for activities that eliminate slums and blight. Activities may include housing, public/human services, capital projects and other eligible activities. Since 1975, citizen participation in allocating these funds has been provided.

Each year funds are also allocated from the City's General Fund for the Human Services Program which provides services to youth, seniors and the disabled as well as some health services, with a primary focus on emergency services such as shelter, food and safety. Evaluation of proposals from agencies which provide such services, and fostering integration and cooperation between these agencies, is a function of the Community Development and Human Services Committee.

Learn more above serving on this advisory group. 

General Functions

  • Advise City Council on how CDBG and Human Service funds should be allocated. The CDHSC reviews all eligible funding proposals submitted, reviews priorities and forwards comprehensive funding recommendations to the City Council.
  • Assist staff in performance monitoring to ensure quality of service and contract compliance.
  • Provide input to City Council and staff on the assessment of community needs, priorities and goals. From time to time, the CDHSC may review projects and participate in projects and review reports of relevance to the City and CDBG/HS activities.
  • Foster, when possible, integration, coordination and cooperation of human service providers in the City of Santa Barbara in order to better serve human needs.

Committee Functions


13 Members, one from each of the following categories:           

  • African-American Community
  • Latino Community
  • Business Community/Economic Development
  • Human Services organizations
  • Youth-Oriented Service organizations
  • Senior Community
  • Homeless-related Service organizations
  • One representative from each of the following four low- and moderate-income neighborhoods:
    • Eastside;
    • Westside/Lower Westside;
    • Downtown Area; and
    • Oak Park
  • Disabled Community (as the term "disabled" is defined by State laws)
  • Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara (appointed by the Housing Authority Commission)


  • Members must be qualified electors of the County of Santa Barbara, and remain so during their term. Members must be residents or employees of the designated organizations, and must represent one of the specified categories or organizations.
  • Members should have familiarity with the history and geography of the City, and an understanding of community development, human services or housing needs.
  • In accordance with Federal regulations, the CDHSC is required to seek participation from a broad range of citizen interests with substantial representation by low and moderate income persons, minorities and residents of target neighborhoods. Applications from qualified low and moderate income and minority persons are therefore encouraged.
  • Applicants of the four low- and moderate-income neighborhood categories may elect to be interviewed by a subcommittee of up to three (3) members of the City Council. The interview subcommittee shall report to City Council for final appointment of Community Development and Human Services Committee members.

Length of Term

Four years and until successors are appointed and qualified. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.

Meeting Schedule

The Committee meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street, and also meets twice a week during the month of February.

Time Involved

Meetings average 2 - 3 hours per month, except during budget/proposal review sessions (January through March) which requires a greater time commitment (as much as 40+ hours in February).

Financial Disclosure Requirement

Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the advisory group.

Ethics Training Requirement

The City of Santa Barbara requires members of this committee to take City ethics training within one year after member is appointed or reappointed.




Administration, Housing and Human Services Division, Community Development Department, (805) 564-5461


Resolution Nos. 17-103, 07-081, 06-085, 05-031, 02-126, 96-026, 94-120,92-170, and 90-039.