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Metropolitan Transit District Board

The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District Board of Directors, comprised of 7 members, governs the MTD. The mission of Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District is to enhance the mobility of South Coast residents, commuters, and visitors by offering safe, appealing, equitable, environmentally responsible, and fiscally sound transit service.

The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) provides fixed-route transit service within the cities of Santa Barbara, Goleta, Montecito and Carpinteria along 23 routes. The main terminal (Transit Center at 1020 Chapala Street) and maintenance facility is located in Santa Barbara; an auxiliary dispatching and maintenance terminal in Goleta has been in use since early 1978.

View and download Metropolitan Transit District Board Agendas.

General Functions

The objectives of the Board of Directors are to (1) provide overall policy guidance, and (2) maintain financial accountability for the use of public funds. In providing overall policy guidance, the Board and the general manager have developed and adopted goals and objectives for the Santa Barbara MTD. The goals include the following:

  • Provide service to those dependent upon public transit for transportation;
  • Contribute to energy conservation and quality of urban life by providing a viable transportation alternative; and
  • Maintain an efficient transit operation. At its meetings, the Board reviews the cash transactions, monthly and year to date operating Statement of expenditures, fare revenues, and state and federal assistance funds. In addition, the Board works with the general manager in finalizing each year's operating budget, financial plan, and approves (or rejects) capital acquisitions and construction projects proposed by the general manager.

Committee Functions


Seven members, as follows:

  • Two of the members are appointed by the Santa Barbara City Council.
  • Two members are appointed by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors.
  • One member is appointed by the Carpinteria City Council.
  • One member is appointed by the Goleta City Council.
  • The seventh member is appointed by the other six members.


Must be residents within the Santa Barbara MTD.

Length of Term

Four years, staggered so that terms do not all terminate on the same date. If a vacancy occurs prior to completion of a term of office, an appointment is made by the appropriate appointing authority for the portion of the unexpired term.

Meeting Schedule

The Board meets every other Tuesday at 8:30 a.m., or at 5:30 p.m. quarterly, at the Santa Barbara MTD Office, 550 Olive Street.

Time Involved

Average of 9 - 12 hours per month. Additional time commitment may be required for review of agenda materials, other MTD Board duties, liaison meetings with other public entities, etc.

Financial Disclosure Requirement



$60 per attended meeting, not to exceed $180 in any calendar month


General Manager, Santa Barbara MTD, (805) 963-3364


Santa Barbara MTD Act of 1965 adopted by the State Legislature (Public Utilities Code 95400 - 95404, and 95491 - 95495).