2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.

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Citizens' Oversight Committee General Functions

Incorporated in 1850, the City of Santa Barbara has many facilities that are old and in need of major improvement and/or renovation. In addition, a lack of funding for streets, sidewalks, storm drains, and other streets-related infrastructure has resulted in the deterioration of these critical systems the community relies upon on a daily basis.

In November 2017, Santa Barbara residents approved Measure C – Santa Barbara Critical Infrastructure and Essential Community Services, which provided a one-cent general purpose local sales transaction and use tax. Measure C, which became effective April 1, 2018, will generate an estimated $22 million per year and provide much needed funding for critical infrastructure, to address deferred maintenance of City facilities, and to replace the City's outdated and unsafe police station.

General Function

In the Measure C Ordinance No. 5827, Section 4.14.170 establishes a Citizens' Oversight Committee, whose duties and responsibilities are to "...review the annual accountability performance report and report its findings to the City Council and to Santa Barbara citizens."

The Oversight Committee meets two times per fiscal year as follows:

  • Following the close of each fiscal year, staff will present the Annual Accountability Report, which will present the use of Measure C sales and use tax revenues received for the most recently completed fiscal year.
  • Semi-annually receive a report from staff on the status of revenues received and projects funded from Measure C sales taxes.

All of the meetings will be open to the public.

The information and reports presented to the City Council and will also be posted to the City's Measure C web page.

Committee Functions

Membership Qualifications

The Citizen's Oversight Committee will be comprised of 7 members:

  • 5 members must be qualified electors of the City
  • 2 members are not required to be qualified electors of the City
  • Of the 7 members:
    • 1 member must be a representative of the Business Community
    • 1 member must be a representative of the Hospitality Community

Members may not hold any full-time paid office or employment in City government.

Length of Term

Four years and until successors are appointed. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.

Meeting Schedule

This Committee meets semi-annually; 90 days within year end Annual Accountability Performance Report and in February. The meetings are held in Room 15 located in City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street.

Time Involved

Unknown at this time.

Financial Disclosure

Members are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually, and when leaving the advisory group.



Staff Liaison

Keith DeMartini, Finance Director – (805) 564-5336


Resolution No. 17-054; Ordinance No. 5827; Taxation Code and Section 7285.9