2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.

Sidebar Widgets

Brian D'Amour, P.E., ADA Coordinator / City Engineer


Accessibility Inquiries and Barrier Removal Requests

If you have an accessibility question or would like to request removal of a physical barrier within the City's right-of-way, please complete the form below to contact the City’s accessibility compliance staff. Complete as much information as possible including your contact information so that City staff can follow up.


Access Advisory Committee General Functions

In 1988, the City Council established an ad hoc advisory committee on access for the disabled to assist the Architectural Board of Review and the Historic Landmarks Committee in reviewing public projects. In 2001, the City Council dissolved the ad hoc committee and replaced it with a standing committee, known as the Staff Advisory Access Committee, to assist and advise staff on matters pertaining to providing access for the disabled and compliance with the State Building Code regarding accessibility for people with disabilities. On September 16, 2008, the Staff Access Advisory Committee was renamed to the Access Advisory Committee.

General Functions

The purpose and function of the Access Advisory Committee is to assist and advise staff on public disability accessibility issues by:

  • Actively promoting the total integration and participation of persons with disabilities into all areas of economic, political, and community life.
  • Serving as a coordinating body, for the purpose of receiving input from citizens on the needs and concerns of the disabled community, formulating and recommending solutions to these identified needs and concerns, and conveying such recommendations to the appropriate City departments.
  • Working with City staff to create conditions to establish policies and practices, and to develop programs and services, which will facilitate the full integration and participation of persons with disabilities into all areas of economic, political, and community life.
  • Serving as a stakeholder in the design, planning, and implementation of City projects and programs to facilitate accessibility for persons with disabilities.
  • Providing oversight for monitoring compliance with such codes, ordinances, and statutes that affect access to, or use of, City facilities, programs, and services by persons with disabilities.
  • Providing advice regarding the setting of priorities for projects to remove barriers and improve access within the City's public rights-of-way.
  • Identifying opportunities to educate the public about disability and disability access issues within the community.

Committee Functions


  • Members and professionals from the disability community.
  • Members from architectural, engineering, or building communities.
  • Members at large from the community.


A majority of the members of the Access Advisory Committee shall be residents of the City of Santa Barbara. Other members may be full-time employees working within the City of Santa Barbara, or residents of the South Coast area of the County of Santa Barbara (from Gaviota to the Ventura County line). All members shall demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, furthering accessibility within the limits of the City of Santa Barbara. Employees of the City of Santa Barbara shall not serve as Committee members.

Committee members shall have a demonstrated interest, experience, and commitment to issues pertaining to disability and access. The following qualifications are desirable:

  • A practical understanding of Title II or Title Ill of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or
  • A practical understanding of California Code of Regulations Title 24 and related federal accessibility standards; or
  • Experience as an architect, engineer, contractor, or other professional involved in the construction of accessible facilities; or
  • Experience in consultation in the use of assistive services and technology; or
  • Experience in representing or resolving accessibility issues for people with a broad range of disabilities.

Length of Term

The term of office for each Committee Member shall be for a period of four years and until their successor is appointed and qualified. A person appointed to replace a member who leaves office due to resignation or otherwise before the expiration of the member’s term will serve a minimum four-year term beginning when the person is appointed and ending on December 31 of the fourth year.

Meeting Schedule

The Committee meets quarterly on the 2nd open Friday at 9:30 a.m. in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street.

Time Involved


Financial Disclosure Requirement





Brian D'Amour, P.E., ADA Coordinator / City Engineer
Public Works
(805) 897-2661



Resolution No. 21-061.