2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.

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Downtown Parking Committee General Functions

The Downtown Parking Committee was established August 30, 1988, and replaced the Parking District Committee.

Learn more about serving on this advisory group.

General Functions

  • Acts as an advisory agency to the City Council with respect to the management, maintenance and operations of the Downtown Public Patron and Commuter Parking lots, including review of operating and capital maintenance budgets, hours of operation, parking fee policies (including 75 minute free policies), and commuting employee parking policies (including shuttle bus programs);
  • Acts as a community forum to hear requests and comments from the public;
  • Maintains adequate liaison with other committees, agencies and districts; and
  • Advises the Council as to other matters upon the request of the City Council.
  • Parking Subcommittees - The Downtown Parking Committee currently has one subcommittee.  The Finance Subcommittee advises staff on policies related to rate structures, PBIA administration, capital improvements and annual budgeting.  This subcommittee does not have set meeting dates and times.

Committee Functions


7 Members


Members must demonstrate an interest in, and knowledge of, downtown parking issues.

  1. Five members must be residents of the City of Santa Barbara.
  2. Two members may be residents of the City or the County of Santa Barbara.

Length of Term

Four years and until successors are appointed. Staggered terms expire on December 31 of the appropriate year.

Meeting Schedule

The Committee meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 a.m. in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street.

Time Involved

Approximately 4 hours per month for meetings and related activities

Financial Disclosure Requirement

Members must file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the advisory group.

Ethics Training Requirement

The City of Santa Barbara requires members of this committee to take City ethics training within one year after member is appointed or reappointed.




Public Works Department, (805) 564-5656


Resolution Nos. 99-032, 98-004, 93-157, 93-139, 88-127, and 79-093