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Contact Information

Nicole Morgan
Recreation Specialist


Santa Barbara Arts & Crafts Show Advisory Committee General Functions

The Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show is a long standing tradition along the Santa Barbara waterfront. Established in 1965 by local artists and sponsored by the City of Santa Barbara’s Parks and Recreation Department since 1966, the show is now the only continuous, non-juried art festival of original drawings, paintings, graphics, sculpture, crafts, and photography in the world. The show is held along Cabrillo Blvd. every Sunday of the year and select Saturdays. All artwork sold is original art, created by the approximately 200 Santa Barbara County artists. Show members display their artwork in an informal atmosphere that encourages visitors to talk with the artists about their work, and in some cases even see them in action.


The Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show Advisory Committee was established by Municipal Code 15.08.060 to advise the Parks and Recreation Department on matters relating to the administration of the Arts and Crafts Show.

General Functions

  • Screen new members into the show ensuring they comply with the established procedures and regulations.
  • Review suggestions for rule or procedure changes from show members and make recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Department.
  • Make recommendations on how to prioritize an advertizing budget.
  • Serve as the Violation Review Committee to determine penalties when a show member violates rules.
  • Advocate for the Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show.


The Committee has no formal authority to dictate, authorize, or utilize City resources, personnel, or facilities. The Active Adults Senior Recreation Supervisor acts the liaison between the Parks and Recreation Department and the Committee.

Committee Functions


The committee is comprised of two members and two alternates representing the Art Section and two members and two alternates from the Crafts Section, all elected by the show membership. In addition, the member-at-large is a community member who is appointed by the Park and Recreation Commission who cannot be a member of the show or City staff.

Liaison (non-voting): One Staff member

Length of Term

2-year terms with a limit of two contiguous terms.

Meeting Schedule

The Advisory Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month. Special meetings are held as necessary. Advisory Committee meetings shall comply with the Brown Act.

Time Involved

The time commitment is approximately 50 hours per year for meetings and related activities.

Financial Disclosure Requirement

None - Committee acts in an advisory capacity only.




Parks and Recreation Department (805) 897-2519.

Vacancy Information