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Design Guidelines
Multiple design guidelines may apply to a single project. In such cases where multiple sets of guidelines apply, the guidelines are viewed as “layers,” where the most specific guidelines take precedent.

Design Guidelines Additions

Design Guidelines Exposed Foundation

Design Guidelines Exposed Understory

Design Guidelines Retaining Wall

Design Guidelines Architectural Features

Design Guidelines Spa Privacy

Design Guidelines Windows

Design Guidelines Roofline

Design Guidelines Side-View Elevation

Design Guidelines Disproportionate Building

Design Guidelines Driveway Grading

Design Guidelines Neighbor Privacy

Design Guidelines Inappropriate Addition

Design Guidelines Neighborhood Compatibility

Design Guidelines Door Openings

Design Guidelines Neighbor Views

Design Guidelines Landscape

Design Guidelines Side Yard Privacy

Design Guidelines Chimney and Deck

Design Guidelines Neighbor Deck Privacy

Design Guidelines Structure Height

Design Guidelines Inappropriate Fenestration

Design Guidelines Inappropriate Entrance Orientation

Design Guidelines Roof Forms

Design Guidelines Solar Access

Design Guidelines Chimney Caps

Design Guidelines Brick Tile Floor Patterns

Design Guidelines Wrought Iron Rejas 02

Design Guidelines Wrought Iron Rejas

Design Guidelines Roof Cornices

Design Guidelines Traditional Wood Door

Design Guidelines Double Hung Window
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- Architectural Board of Review - The ABR reviews projects that involve multi-residential, commercial or mixed-use development. The ABR Guidelines are intended to assist in public understanding of the ABR’s goals and policies with respect to architectural design and landscape installation standards. Infill Design Guidelines were adopted as additions to these guidelines in April 2017.
- Historic Landmarks Commission - The HLC reviews all exterior alterations for properties located within El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District and those which involve historically significant properties. The HLC Guidelines are intended to assist in public understanding of HLC goals and policies and their implementation. Infill Design Guidelines were adopted as additions to these guidelines in April 2017.
- Sign Review - The Sign Committee is currently reconstituted as subset reviews of the ABR & HLC. The Sign Review guidelines itemize acceptable standards for the placement of signs throughout the City and describe specific points of Sign Committee review.
- Single Family Design Board - The SFDB reviews projects that pertain to single family residential development outside of the HLC’s jurisdiction. The SFDB Guidelines are intended to assist in public understanding of SFDB goals and policies and their implementation.
- Fence, Screen, Wall, Hedge Guidelines - These guidelines explain the application of Municipal Code standards for fences, screens, walls and hedges and provide criteria for Administrative approval of exceptions to the standards.
- Outdoor Dining in the Public Right-of-Way - These Public Works guidelines provide design and barrier standards for outdoor sidewalk dining applications in the City's right-of-way.
- Outdoor Lighting Design Guidelines - These guidelines itemize acceptable design standards for outdoor lighting installations throughout the City to avoid excessive glare.
- Outdoor Vending Machine Design Guidelines - These guidelines provide design standards for the siting, signage and appearance of outdoor vending machines.
- Santa Barbara Colors - This guide provides an acceptable range of colors for non-residential buildings. It provides a variety of sample colors for body, trim and ironwork.
- Solar Energy System Design Guidelines - These guidelines include best practices for the installation of solar energy system for new construction, redevelopment, and significant remodel projects.
- Visual Art in Public Places Guidelines - These guidelines explain the review process for all public art projects proposed on public property throughout the City of Santa Barbara.
- Wireless Communication Facilities/Antennas Design Guidelines - These guidelines address the appropriate siting of wireless communication antennas, facility infrastructure and towers to minimize visual impacts to surrounding areas.
- Historic Resources Design Guidelines - For owners of historic resources, these guidelines assist in designing successful alterations, additions, and new construction next to a historic resource.
- Single Family Residence Design Guidelines - These guidelines were developed to assist the public on designing compatible single family residential development in accordance with the intent of the Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance.
- Three Story Buildings - The study analyzes eight local buildings constructed in downtown Santa Barbara for the purpose of comparing height, length, elevation, perspective floor-to-floor heights, and relative scale of architectural elements.
- Urban Design Guidelines - These design guidelines address the historic character, pedestrian-friendly qualities, and exemplary architecture of the urban grid area of Santa Barbara.
- Airport - These guidelines provide design direction for development proposals located on City Airport property.
- Chapala Street - These guidelines provide design direction for public right-of-way improvements in the area of Chapala Street south of Carrillo Street and north of Highway 101.
- El Pueblo Viejo District - These guidelines are intended to assist the public in the HLC’s review process by clarifying the design criteria and procedures for El Pueblo Viejo District. These guidelines will be the basis for decisions of the Historic Landmarks Commission. They are intended for use to help comply with Municipal Code Chapter 22.22, the Historic Structures Ordinance.
- Haley-Milpas Area - These guidelines provide design direction for properties located in the Haley-Milpas area.
- Harbor Master Plan Area - The Harbor Master Plan Design Guidelines implement policies and design themes for the Harbor Master Plan Area.
- Highway 101 Coastal Parkway - These design guidelines apply to the segment of Highway 101 corridor which is located within the City’s Coastal Zone.
- Lower Riviera Special Design District - These design guidelines are intended to guide development within the Lower Riviera Special Design District in order to ensure its continuing compatibility to the proposed Bungalow Haven Historic District, which lies within its core.
- State Street Landscaping - The design guidelines encompass a range of issues related to both the aesthetic nature of the street and the practical needs along the downtown State Street area as applied to the 300-1200 Blocks of State St.
- Upper State Street - These guidelines provide additional direction for development in the Upper State Street Area.
- Urban Design Guidelines - These design guidelines address the historic character, pedestrian-friendly qualities, and exemplary architecture of the urban grid area of Santa Barbara.
- Waterfront Area Aesthetic Criteria for Development - These criteria are based on the Locating New Development Section of the Local Coastal Plan (LCP) and required per Policy 12.2.