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Building & Safety Counter
(805) 564-5485 x4371
(805) 564-5476 Fax
Staff Contact
Building Permit Forms & Applications
A building permit is generally required whenever you construct, enlarge, alter, move, replace, repair, improve, convert, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure. For more information read our Building Permit (BLD) Application Guide.
Permits Offered
OnDemand, or Instant permits, are automatically issued with no plan review if all criteria are met when applying through Accela Citizens Access. Only 1 & 2 Family Residential Properties qualify for OnDemand permits. The following projects qualify for automatic issuance:
Electrical Panel Replacement in the same location, under 400 amps.
Water Heater Replacement in the same location.
Heat Pump Water Heater Replace your gas or standard (resistance) electric water heater and take advantage of Santa Barbara Clean Energy's rebate program!
Reroofs that maintain the same color, material, and type of roofing.
Non-interior Water Piping Replacement
Non-interior Underground Gas Service Replacement
HVAC Replacement (Wall Heaters & Furnaces) in the same location.
New Photovoltaic Systems under 10 KW, with an optional energy storage system under 27 KWH
New Energy Storage Systems installation when a photovoltaic system already exists.
To apply for an OnDemand Permit, select the correct permit type under the 'Building OnDemand' drop-down selection list for your project in Accela when submitting.
Express Permits, or more commonly known as Over-the-Counter Permits, are issued within 5 or less business days when accepted for review. All reviews may take longer dependent on current workloads. Express Permits apply to all 1 & 2 Family Residential Properties, and some Commercial Properties. The following projects qualify for Express issuance:
Window Replacements in the same location.
New HVACs (Wall heaters & furnaces)
New Exterior Water Heaters
Sewer Lateral Replacement, Clean-Outs and Backwater Valves
New Signs already approved by Planning
New/Replacement Fences
New Electrical Panel Location
Reroofs with new material, color, and type of roofing
Temporary Power if a building permit already exists.
Minor Demolitions of non-structural or standalone Accessory Structures
To Apply for an Express or Over-the-Counter Permit, select Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, or Plumbing Permit for your project in Accela when submitting.
Residential, Commercial, and all other permits will follow the details below for processing if your scope of work does not qualify for Instant or Express permitting. Please note that the timeframe below is only for first review. Projects frequently undergo multiple reviews by city staff before issuance. Each review after the first review is 10 business days. All reviews may take longer dependent on current workloads.
*All Permit Applications have been taking longer than usual due to staffing shortages, volume of applications, and workload.
Small Projects: 10 Days
- Residential Examples: < 1,000 sq. ft., single-story additions;
non-structural remodels; pools - Commercial Examples: Minor tenant improvements, grading,
or other site improvements
Medium Projects: 15 Days
- Residential Examples: < 1,000 sq. ft. two-story additions;
structural remodels; addition to duplex;
> 1,000 sq. ft. non-structural additions;
< 1,000 sq. ft. structural additions - Commercial Examples: Interior only, non-structural, or minor
structural (no new sq.ft.); minor
exterior tenant improvements
Large Projects: 20 Days
- Residential Examples: > 1,000 sq. ft. structural additions; new
single-family residence or duplexes - Commercial Examples: < 1000 sq. ft. additions; structural
tenant improvements; New single
occupancy buildings < 10,000 sq. ft.
X-Large Projects: 30 Days
- Residential Examples: New multi-unit housing; multiple custom
tracts; projects that received Planning
Commission approval - Commercial Examples: New single occupancy buildings
>10,000 sq. ft.; new mixed-use
To Apply for a Commercial or Residential Permit, select Residential, Commercial New, Electrical, Mechanical, or Plumbing Permit for your project in Accela when submitting.
Follow our Revision Guide to submit revisions to already approved and issued plans. Most revisions are given 10 business days for initial review, and might require corrections. Larger revisions might require 10-15 business days for Commercial projects. All reviews may take longer dependent on current workloads.
To Apply for Revisions, select Residential or Commercial New permit in Accela when submitting.

A-Z Forms & Applications Index
Find documents, forms, and guidelines for all types of Building Permits.
Frequently Asked Questions
Building permits are not required for certain minor work such as one-story detached accessory structure (sheds, playhouse, etc.) not exceeding 120 square feet, fences not over 42 inches high, retaining walls not over 4 ft. in height (measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall) with no surcharge.
For a complete list of exemptions from permit requirements see Santa Barbara Municipal Code 22.04, Section 105.2, and also the Work Exempt From Permit
Get an up-to-date status on your permit through Accela Citizens Access by clicking here.
Understanding Status Terms:
Application Received means we have your application, but it has not been seen or routed by staff yet. Your application is sitting in a queue for Permit Techs to process. It may take 1-4 business days to process your resubmittals due to staffing and volume of resubmittals.
Plan Review means we have accepted your application and routed them to plans examiners for code compliance. Your application is now in plan examiners' queues. Provided deadlines for completed Plan Review are estimates, and depend on staffing and volume of applications.
Waiting on Applicant means we have requested something from you (like a signed Permit Record, or a submittal form) and are waiting for you to upload something or pay fees. To resolve, check your e-mail or contact us.
If you have uploaded documents and haven't seen any changes in your status, your submittal hasn't been processed by Permit Techs yet. Your submittal is in a queue for processing. It may take 1-4 business days to process your submittals due to staffing and volume of resubmittals.
Returned to Applicant means we have sent full Corrections back to you, and we are waiting for you to upload a Corrections Response Letter, a new submittal (2nd, 3rd, etc.), and any other necessary documents (School Fee Forms, Spec Sheets, Soils Report, etc.). To resolve, check your e-mail or contact us.
If you have uploaded a resubmittal that address our corrections and haven't seen any changes in your status, your resubmittal hasn't been processed by Permit Techs yet. Your resubmittal is in a queue for processing. It may take 1-4 business days to process your resubmittals due to staffing and volume of resubmittals.
Issued means your application was approved and issued, and needs inspection. To request an inspection, click here.
Completed means your project has received and passed its Final Building Inspection. There is nothing more to do.
Find partial corrections, or download official Correction Reviews through Accela Citizens Access by clicking here.
*Partial resubmittals are not allowed and will not be reviewed by staff.
Returned to Applicant means we have sent full Corrections back to you, and we are waiting for you to upload a Corrections Response Letter, a new submittal (2nd, 3rd, etc.), and any other necessary documents (School Fee Forms, Spec Sheets, Soils Report, etc.).
If you have already uploaded a resubmittal and haven't seen any changes in your status, your resubmittal hasn't been processed by Permit Techs yet. Your resubmittal is in a queue for processing. It may take 1-4 business days to process your resubmittals due to staffing and volume of resubmittals.
A well-prepared set of plans is the most important document in your application submittal materials and is a required component for all construction projects. Not all items listed in the Project Plan Submittal Guide will apply to every proposal; however, all plans must include information sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the code requirements specific to each project. Contact your assigned planner or plans examiner if you have questions about whether a particular item is required for your project.
Depending on the size and type of your project, you may need the services of a licensed professional. A licensed professional, such as an architect or engineer, is required for projects that are greater than two residential units on a lot, or greater than two stories in height. A licensed professional is required for
all structural commercial tenant improvements, and any work that alters the safety of a building.
The California Business & Professions Code allows some exemptions for unlicensed persons to prepare plans, subject to approval by the Chief Building Official. Check in with the Building & Safety Division regarding the need for a licensed professional for your project.
Plans must be complete, accurate, legible, and to scale. Include information on all lots, buildings, uses, and tenant spaces involved in the project. Each drawing on the plans must be labeled with the specific building address, unit number, floor level, and if it is showing existing, “as-built”, or proposed new work.
See the Project Plan Submittal Guide for specific requirements.
Residential, Commercial, and all other permits will follow the details below for processing if your scope of work does not qualify for Instant or Express permitting. Please note that the timeframe below is only for first review. Projects frequently undergo multiple reviews by city staff before issuance. Each review after the first review is 10 business days for residential and 15 business days for commercial. Small projects may take a month to complete, or two weeks, depending on city staff workloads, applicant response time, and number of reviews.
Small Projects: 10 Days
- Residential Examples: < 1,000 sq. ft., single-story additions;
non-structural remodels; pools - Commercial Examples: Minor tenant improvements, grading,
or other site improvements
Medium Projects: 15 Days
- Residential Examples: < 1,000 sq. ft. two-story additions;
structural remodels; addition to duplex;
> 1,000 sq. ft. non-structural additions;
< 1,000 sq. ft. structural additions - Commercial Examples: Interior only, non-structural, or minor
structural (no new sq.ft.); minor
exterior tenant improvements
Large Projects: 20 Days
- Residential Examples: > 1,000 sq. ft. structural additions; new
single-family residence or duplexes - Commercial Examples: < 1000 sq. ft. additions; structural
tenant improvements; New single
occupancy buildings < 10,000 sq. ft.
X-Large Projects: 30 Days
- Residential Examples: New multi-unit housing; multiple custom
tracts; projects that received Planning
Commission approval - Commercial Examples: New single occupancy buildings
>10,000 sq. ft.; new mixed-use
Building & Safety application and permit fees are based on cost recovery for plan check and inspection services. A Building and Safety plan check fee, based on the Scope of Work and adopted fee schedule in effect at the time of your application, will be invoiced when we intake your application.
Separate plan check fees are entered by each department (Planning & Zoning, Creeks, Public Works, Fire Prevention, etc.) during plan check for time spent reviewing your submittal for code compliance. Inspection and other applicable service fees are also assessed during plan check. All fees calculated during plan check are finally invoiced when your application is ready for issuance.
Please note, the fees noted above do not include fees by outside agencies i.e. School District fees, County Environmental Health Services, Air Pollution Control, etc.
Contact each counter for the most accurate estimates. The more detailed your plans, the better estimates we can give. You can find Building & Safety's line-item charges in our A-Z Index under Fees.
The "Final Building Inspection Passed" status on an "Inspection Summary Report" serves as the Certificate of Occupancy for all residential projects, and most commercial projects. To get an "Inspection Summary Report," contact our Front Counter. A copy of the "Inspection Summary Report" is also uploaded into your permit as an attachment by your Building Inspector after your final inspection, and can be accessed through Accela.
Some commercial projects require a separate Certificate of Occupancy Form, completed by the assigned building inspector to your project. Contact your inspector for your Certificate of Occupancy for commercial projects.
A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be applied for. Please review our Instructions Guide, and complete the Request Letter.