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Rosie Dyste
Project Planner
(805) 564-5470 x4599


Housing Element Implementation


The 2023-2031 Housing Element of the City’s General Plan identifies Santa Barbara’s housing needs and establishes goals, policies, and actions to further the City’s commitment to the production of affordable housing and sound community planning. On February 13, 2024, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) informed the City that the 2023-2031 Housing Element is in substantial compliance with State Housing Element Law (Gov. Code, § 65580 et seq).  

Suitable Sites Inventory

Government Code requires that Housing Elements contain a parcel-specific inventory of appropriately zoned, available, and suitable sites that provide housing opportunities for all income categories.  See the Suitable Sites Inventory for a map and more information. 

Housing Plan Implementation

The Housing Plan includes 32 programs that are the core of the City's Housing Strategy, translating goals and policies into actions. These include on-going programs, procedural changes, zoning ordinance amendments, and other actions that implement the housing policies and help achieve housing goals. Programs are reviewed annually through the Annual Progress Report (APR) provided by April 1 each year to City Council and HCD. To view the most recent Housing Element Annual Progress Report, click here.

Housing Plan Implementation in 2024 includes the following key programs:

  • HE-6: Facilitate Production of Accessory Dwelling Units Pre-Approved ADUs
  • HE-7: Objective Design Standards Objective Design and Development Standards for Multi-Unit Housing
  • HE-9: Resource Protection and Development Certainty MEA Guidelines Update
  • HE-12: Prioritize Deed-Restricted Affordable Housing; HE-13: Evaluate Inclusionary Housing Ordinance; and HE-31: Secure Permanent Affordable Housing Funding.  Consultant contract approved in April 2024 to evaluate the City's Inclusionary Housing and Density Bonus programs and analyze a potential hotel linkage fee. 

Environmental Review

Environmental review for implementation of the Housing Element Programs is underway with preparation of a Housing Plan Program EIR. Click here for more information


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