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Rosie Dyste
Project Planner
(805) 564-5470 x4599


Suitable Sites Inventory


The Suitable Sites Inventory identifies the buildout potential of vacant and underdeveloped parcels. The analysis used the City’s GIS land use database and the County Assessor land use codes. Aerial photography and site inspections were also used to verify the status of certain parcels. Future development considered is in three general categories: projects in process, new multiunit/mixed-use, and accessory dwelling units.  


Suitable Sites Map

View this map in a separate browser tab with dashboard statistics.

Suitable Sites Criteria

The following criteria were used to identify suitable sites and development potential:

  • All parcels that allow for multi-unit residential use were considered.
  • All projects with pending City development applications were included (as of August 2023).
  • For the remaining parcels, only those with a development potential of at least 10 units were included.
  • Public land, including parks and public parking lots not planned for redevelopment were removed.
  • Parcels with designated historic buildings (City Landmarks or Structures of Merit) or owned by the State of California and part of El Presidio were removed.
  • Parcels with significant environmental constraints associated with biological resources and creeks were removed.
  • Realistic buildout densities were determined based on average densities of projects approved during the 5th RHNA Cycle.
    • For Medium-High density (max 27 units/acre), 22 units/acre was used.
    • For Priority Housing Overlay (max 63 units/acre), 59 units/acre was used.
    • For multi-unit residential in the Coastal Zone, 20 units/acre was used.
  • To screen sites for financial viability, assessor parcel Improvement Value, Land Value, and parcel area were considered. Properties chosen were all within parameters of projects that were proposed and constructed during the 5th RHNA Cycle.
  • Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) were considered based on the ADU survey results and average construction rate. A total of 629 accessory dwelling units are included in the inventory. Specific locations were not identified.

The Suitable Sites Inventory identified sites to accommodate 6,898 units in multi-unit/mixed-use zones. With ADUs and pending projects, the total capacity identified was 8,808 units.