
Reference Library
Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.
Building & Safety Counter
(805) 564-5485
Creeks Division (Storm Water Requirements)
(805) 897-2658
Fire Prevention
(805) 564-5702
Planning Counter
(805) 564-5578
Public Works Counter
(805) 564-5388
Records & Archives Counter
(805) 564-5485 x4548
Santa Barbara Clean Energy Rebates & Incentives
(805) 991-7699
Local Amendments to State Building Codes
State Building Codes
State Building Codes are viewable via the State of California, Building Standards Commission.
On August 1, 2018, the City entered into an agreement with Revenue and Cost Specialists (RCS) to perform a comprehensive Land Development Team fee study. RCS and City staff analyzed user fees for the City’s land development process. The study identifies the total cost of providing each service, including development review, design review, zoning review, building permit, engineering, transportation, inspection, code enforcement, and administrative fees. The analysis included an evaluation of staff involved during all stages of project review, time estimates, development of fully burdened hourly rates, citywide overhead, and the calculation of a full cost recovery fee.
2019 Land Development Team Fee Study
LDT Fee Study Recommended Fee Adjustments
Records and Archives May 2021 Fee Study Update
Proposed Community Development Fee Changes – Fiscal Year 2025
James Hamilton
CD Business Manager
(805) 564-5504
Often referred to as "SWMP Requirements," development and redevelopment projects within the City of Santa Barbara are required to install permanent storm water protection best management practices (BMPs) as described in the City's Storm Water BMP Technical Guidance Manual (TGM).
Creeks Division
(805) 897-2658
A Zoning Information Report (ZIR) is a copy of the records contained in the property’s official City Street and Planning files maintained by the City’s Community Development Department, excluding any plans. A ZIR is required for every transfer of residential property, with limited exceptions pursuant to Santa Barbara Municipal Code (SMBC) Chapter 30.285 and section 28.87.220.
Within seven days of entering into an agreement of sale of any residential property, a residential property owner or their authorized agent is required to provide a copy of the ZIR to the buyer. These documents can be accessed, viewed, downloaded and printed electronically from the City's website.
If you would like an electronic copy of the Street and Planning files via email or ShareFile, you may submit a request via email to: CDRecords@SantaBarbaraCA.gov. The following information must be included in the email:
Requests for paper copies of the Street and/or Planning files need to be made in person at the Records Counter located at 630 Garden Street in Santa Barbara. Duplication fees will apply for paper copies of the records.
The City strives to provide the ZIR within 10 business days of receiving the request. Additional time may be necessary if copies project/archive plans are requested.
NOTE: The ZIR is not required to contain a copy of any development/building plans associated with improvements on a property. Neither the archive plans nor the project-related discretionary review plans (i.e., tentative subdivision maps, coastal development permit, modification, and other development plans) are available to view through the City’s website.
The City’s Zoning Ordinance is found in Title 28 and Title 30 of the City’s Municipal Code.
Title 28 – Coastal Zoning Ordinance
Title 30 – Inland Zoning Ordinance
735 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Teléfono: (805) 963-0611
Horas de Trabajo: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Lunes a jueves, y viernes alternos.
Ciudad de Santa Bárbara, apartado de correos 1990
Santa Bárbara, CA 93102-1990
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