Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.

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Downtown Parking Office
1221 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 564-5656 Tel.

Mailing Address
City of Santa Barbara
P.O. Box 1990
Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990

Downtown Parking Counter Walk-in Hours
Monday through Thursday, Alternate Fridays
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (PT)
Calendar of Closed Fridays


Parklets in the Public Right-of-Way


Parklets are dining facilities located within a parking space on a public street.  The Economic Recovery Extension and Transition Ordinance (ERETO), which authorized restaurants to operate parklets in the public right-of-way, expires on December 31, 2023.  On December 12, 2023, City Council adopted an ordinance to regulate parklets in the public right-of-way beginning January 1, 2024.

Subscribe to Parklet Update Emails


Important Dates:

March 14, 2024 - Businesses with parklets must install approved traffic safety barriers or must remove parklet. (List of Crash-Tested/Approved Traffic Safety Barriers)

May 3, 2024 - Deadline for businesses with parklets to submit the full license application.

May 9, 2024 - Businesses that have not submitted the Parklet License Application must remove 

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Parklet Preliminary Application Process

Submitting a Preliminary Parklet Application

Businesses interested in obtaining a Parklet License must submit a Preliminary (PRE) Application and complete the permitting process before beginning construction on a new parklet. The Pre-Application process will determine if a parklet is feasible in the location before investing the time and expense of drafting complete plans and submitting a full application. City staff will review and advise the applicant on location specific requirements, determine the allowable size and location, and advise on the required permitting and design review path.

Application Submittals

All you will need to submit with your Preliminary Application is a photograph of the proposed parklet location, clearly showing where the parklet will be located in relation to your business.  Please make sure the photograph is in focus and that the proposed location is designated on the image.  

Preliminary Application Fee

The Preliminary Application fee is $514.00. You may either pay online with credit card along with the application submission, or, you may mail a check to City of Santa Barbara / Downtown Parking / 1221 Anacapa Street / Santa Barbara, CA 93101.  An application will not be considered complete until the fee has been received.

Submit the Preliminary Application Online

You'll need your basic business and contact information, the location photo(s), and a quick description of your proposed parklet and the location. The application process should take about 20 minutes.

Submit Preliminary Application

Receive Preliminary Report

Please allow up to 30 days for staff to review your Preliminary Parklet Application.  First, city staff will review your application to ensure the location is not on a prohibited street. Next, the location will be reviewed by engineering, traffic-safety, planning, and emergency staff to determine if there are any site-specific constraints such as utility access, fire lane access, special permitting requirements, or any traffic requirements to be addressed.  If needed, staff may schedule an on-site visit to review the proposed location.  We will follow-up with a report listing location specific considerations including required planning, permitting and design review processes. The Preliminary Application Report will help you to determine feasibility and cost before starting the planning process.    

Parklet License Application Process

Preliminary Application

Before you can apply for your Parklet License, you must first submit a Preliminary Application (see process above).  Once you have received approval through the Preliminary Application process, you may move on to the Parklet License Application.

Gather Project Submittals

Use this Planning Guide and the Planning Application to gather your required submission items including site photographs and project plans.  If you have questions on this step, contact the Planning Counter at (805) 564-5578 or  Refer to your Preliminary Parklet Report for information on your specific design review process and guidance on whether you are required to apply for a Coastal Development Permit.  

  • Please contact a planner if you have any questions about the submittal requirements.  Your submittal must include at a minimum the following: 
    • Good quality photographs of the proposed parklet site.
    • A site plan of the parklet area with the dimensions labeled and drawn to scale (i.e., 1/8” = 1’).
    • Manufacturer specification sheets of the proposed furniture, and the number of tables and chairs requested. 
    • A Title Report is not required.
Parklet License Application Fee (Part 1)

Before you submit your Planning (PLN) application, pay your initial parklet license application fee ($150.00) at the following link:  Downtown Parking Fee Payment  .  Please input the numeric portion of your business address in the “Account # or Reference #” section, and your business name as the Customer Name.  Please select “Parklet License Application Fee” from the drop-down selection box.

Pay LIcense Application Fee

Submit Planning Application

Submit your Planning (PLN) Application on the City’s online permit portal:  Submit your Application .  All applications must be submitted electronically. You’ll first be asked to create an account.  Once you have created an account, you will then login to your account and select the “Planning General” category under “Apply for a Planning Application.”  You will need to upload a digital version of your submission documents to complete the application.  Once you have submitted, City staff will follow up electronically with an invoice for the total Planning Application fee amount. Fees may be paid online, mailed, faxed, or dropped off at 630 Garden Street for processing. After fees are paid, you will receive a confirmation with your PLN number which you will be able to use to track your application status.

If your Preliminary Parklet Report noted that your location is within the Coastal Zone, you will need to apply for a Coastal Development Permit as well.  You should do this concurrently with your Planning Application.  

Parklet License Application and Final Payment

Planning will see you through the planning process, including design review.  Once you have completed the planning and design review process, contact Downtown Parking at, or, (805) 564-5656, to move to the next step in the Parklet License Application process.  At this point, the second portion of the license fee ($2,350) will be due if you plan to continue to pursue a license.  Public Works will review your plans for compliance with the requirements noted in your Preliminary Parklet Report and the Parklet Ordinance.  Once approved, you will be issued your Parklet License and pay the annual license fees for the first year.