Waterfront Programs
17 de febrero: Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas en conmemoración del Día de los Presidentes.
132-A Harbor Way
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
Phone: (805) 564-5531
Fax: (805) 560-7580
Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Clean Marina mission is to achieve and maintain a clean harbor environment for people, aquatic life and seabirds. The 2002 City adopted Program requires annual review by Harbor Commission to track progress and effectiveness. The Program contributes to the Department’s overall mission and highlights the importance of maintaining a clean ocean environment for visitors, residents, as well as the marine and avian life that depend on it to thrive. The City of Santa Barbara Waterfront has been a certified participant in the Clean Marinas Program since July 2006.
For more information, contact Brian Adair at (805) 564-5527.
735 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Teléfono: (805) 963-0611
Horas de Trabajo: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Lunes a jueves, y viernes alternos.
Ciudad de Santa Bárbara, apartado de correos 1990
Santa Bárbara, CA 93102-1990
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