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Rosie Dyste
Project Planner
(805) 564-5470 x4599


Design Standards


Housing Element Program HE-7 

To respond to changes in State Law, the City is proposing new Objective Design and Development Standards (ODDS) for projects of two or more units.  Please view the Fact Sheets under the "Documents" heading and the Project Overview video below to learn why objective design standards are being proposed, what makes a standard objective, where will this program apply, and how to join the conversation.   The project is funded by a Local Early Action Planning grant from the State Department of Housing and Community Development and Opticos Design, Inc. was selected as the consultant to the project. 

Adoption Hearings on the Objective Design and Development Standards

Planning Commission 

On August 8 2024, the Planning Commission reviewed the ODDS, followed by a hearing on August 29, 2024, when the Planning Commission voted to recommend City Council adoption of the ODDS and related amendments to Title 30 Zoning Ordinance.  

City Council Ordinance Committee

On October 22, 2024, City Council Ordinance Committee reviewed the ODDS and continued the hearing to December 3, 2024.  


ODDS Zone Map

The ODDS Zone Map (ODDS-ZM) shows zone districts to generate and support pedestrian-oriented, walkable environments. These environments are described as walkable because of their interconnected streets and blocks with sidewalks, variety of housing choices, and proximity to services, shopping, and/or transit.  The zones range in function and intensity from primarily residential areas (Neighborhood Medium and Neighborhood Large) to moderate-intensity corridors (Mixed-Use Corridor), to higher intensity neighborhoods (Downtown Edge) and the highest intensity center (Downtown Core).

Zone Map

Architectural Styles Map

The Architectural Styles Map (ODDS-ASM) designates areas of the City eligible to use the ODDS that allow the Mediterranean style group (yellow), Mediterranean and Craftsman style groups (green), or Mediterranean, Craftsman, and Contemporary style groups (blue). A subset of the area that allows all style groups is designated to allow the the Industrial sub-style of the Contemporary style group, shown in hatched marks. 

Architectural Styles Map

Project Overview


Kick Off

July 2021

Work Group Meetings

Sept and Nov 2021

Existing Conditions Memo Released

Jan 2022 

Continued Work Group Meetings

October to December 2022

Admin Draft ODDS Released

Oct 2022

Architectural Board of Review and Historic Landmarks Commission Overview Hearings

March 2023

Revised Public Review Draft ODDS Released

June 2023

Planning Commission Overview Hearing

July 2023

Planning Commission and City Council Review and Adoption



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Frequently Asked Questions

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