Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.


Outdoor Dining Programs


The City has multiple programs that allow restaurants to provide outdoor seating for patrons.  For more information on available programs, please select the type of outdoor seating environment from the selections below.

State Street Promenade
State Street Promenade

Restaurants that wish to operate outdoor dining facilities on the State Street Promenade, including the 00 block of West Victoria, and the 400-1300 blocks of State Street, may apply for an Outdoor Business Facility License.  

Sidewalk Dining
Sidewalk Dining

The Outdoor Dining Program allows restaurateurs the opportunity to enter into an agreement with the City to use a portion of the public sidewalk for outdoor dining purposes.

Private Property Dining
Outdoor Dining on Private Property

Outdoor dining on private property typically occurs in private parking lots or in other areas not previously permitted for outdoor dining use.

Parklet in the Public Right-of-Way

Outdoor dining located on a public street within a parking space.  

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