Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.

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Contact Us

Laura Dubbels
Housing & Human Services Manager
(805) 564-5491

Dayton Aldrich
Community Development Programs Specialist
(805) 897-2624


Fair Housing


The Federal Fair Housing Act ensures equal access to housing regardless of your race, color, national origin, familial status, sex (sexual orientation or gender identity), disability or religion.

Federal: HUD - Office of Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity
State: California Civil Rights Department 
Local: Rental Housing Mediation Program

To contact the Rental Housing Mediation Program call (805) 564-5420.

(Services provided to residents of City of Santa Barbara, City of Goleta, and City of Carpinteria).

The Fair Housing Enforcement Program is a component of the City of Santa Barbara's Community Development Department. As part of the adoption of the City's Housing Element, the Program was established to assist people who believe that they have experienced discrimination in the rental of housing, with an emphasis on discrimination against families with children.

The Fair Housing Enforcement Officer:

  • Investigates Complaints of Discrimination in the rental of housing
  • Provides information/education to tenants and landlords
  • Cases can be referred to the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing or to the City Attorney for civil action.

If you have a complaint, you may download the Fair Housing Complaint Form. You can also view the Housing Discrimination Ordinance

The City of Santa Barbara’s 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) focuses on actions, omissions and decisions made because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin, which restrict, or have the effect of restricting, housing choices or the availability of housing choices in the City of Barbara. The AI is updated every 5-years and includes proposed actions the City can take that will address identified impediments to fair housing choice.

2020 Analysis of Impediments Report

Information about Fair Housing laws at the Federal, State and Local level.

As an entitlement jurisdiction for CDBG and HOME funds, the City of Santa Barbara is required to affirmatively further fair housing in accordance with Section 570.904(c) of the CDBG regulations. As part of the Consolidated Plan required by HUD, grantees must submit a certification that requires them to undertake fair housing planning though:

  1. The completion of an analysis of impediments to fair housing (AI)
  2. Actions to eliminate any identified impediments
  3. Maintenance of fair housing records