Two-Unit Housing (SB-9) Project Guidance
Effective January 2022, ordinance amendments to Santa Barbara Municipal Code Section 30.185.440, Chapter 28.80, and Chapter 27.60 implemented California Senate Bill 9. SB-9 allows duplexes (two-unit housing) and urban lot splits (creation of two new lots) in areas of the City that are zoned to typically allow only one unit per lot. SB-9 projects are exempt from discretionary review if the project is consistent with objective zoning, design standards, and subdivision standards.
Single-Unit Residential Zone Map
Two-unit residential developments or Urban Lot Splits are eligible for ministerial processing only within single-family residential zones. Areas that qualify for this ministerial process are shown on the map here.
General Information & Application
Find out more in our Two-Unit Residential Housing (SB-9) Application.
Planning Commission Presentation Slides
The slides from the October 28, 2021 staff presentation to the Planning Commission can be viewed here.