Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.


Housing Initiatives


The City's General Plan directs the City to build as much housing as possible, within resource limits. Active projects to accomplish this goal are shown below.

AUD - Casa Anatega

Average Unit-Size Density (AUD) Program

The AUD Program Ordinance carries out a key implementation action of the City’s 2011 General Plan. The intent of the Program is to provide needed residential development, particularly rental units, in the community near transit and within easy walking and biking distance to commercial services and parks.

ODS - Stairs

Design Standards

The City is creating objective design standards for multi-unit and mixed-use housing projects to make the permitting process more streamlined, predictable, and easier to interpret.

Apartment Housing

Housing & Human Services

The Housing & Human Services Division promotes and facilitates affordable housing ownership for various income categories; offers mediation services for landlords and tenants; and awards grants to local non-profit organizations that provide social services.

PIcture of Grace Village for Housing Element

Housing Element Implementation

In December 2023, the City adopted the 6th Cycle 2023-2031 Housing Element to plan for the next eight years of housing production. The 2023-2031 Housing Element includes new goals, policies, and actions to address new housing development, preservation and improvement of existing housing, regional cooperation and jobs/housing balance, and public education and information.

Image of single family home for Single Family Design Board Process Improvements image for web page

Single Family Design Board Process Improvements

To streamline and simplify the design review process for single-family homes, the City is proposing code amendments that aim to reduce the amount of time and money associated with discretionary review of projects on single-unit homes.