Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.

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Building & Safety Counter
(805) 564-5485


Post-Entitlement Permit Guidance (AB-2234 & AB-1483)


Permit Guidance

As required by Assembly Bills (AB) 2234 and AB 1483, the following information is provided for transparency for residential development regulations, costs, and post-entitlement processing.

Application Requirements

The City’s Building & Safety Division has a comprehensive list of all submittal items required for building permits as well as the permit process available online: Building & Safety Forms & Applications

Online Permit System

All building permit applications, including all supporting plans and documents, are accepted online via our Accela Citizen Access Portal (ACA)


City fees can be reviewed through the fee schedules online at Fee Information

Fee studies can be reviewed online at Reference Library LDT Fee Study 

Financial Reports

Search available financial reports online at Budget & Reporting

Economic Feasibility and Nexus Studies

The following studies have been conducted since 2017:

Affordability Requirements

The City of Santa Barbara requires affordable housing as  described here:  Affordable Housing

Zoning Districts and MAPS

Look up the zone and other information through the City’s mapping application at Reference Library Maps

Zoning Ordinances, Development Standards, and Design Guidelines

The zoning ordinances, development standards, and design guidelines for the City of Santa Barbara can be found in the City’s Reference Library

Sample Documents

The following are examples of complete, approved applications for different types of housing development projects in the City of Santa Barbara: