All SBPL locations will close at 2 pm on Wednesday, September 18 for staff training.
Eastside Library is closed due to construction work.
Public Works News Archive
The City of Santa Barbara Street Operations Production Paving Crew will be closing Alameda Padre Serra to through traffic between Dover Road and Las Alturas Road (see image of map) from Monday, March 25th through Thursday, March…
The City of Santa Barbara’s water system represents one of the largest investments in public infrastructure in the City, playing a critical role in providing the foundation for our community…
Starting March 5, 2024, Building Permit Inspection requests can now be scheduled online through the City’s Permit Portal! Traditionally, inspection requests have been submitted via phone and email messages, an administratively intensive…
In December 2023, the City Council amended the Average Unit-size Density Incentive Program (AUD Program) to make it into the City’s permanent multi-unit housing program by eliminating the Program’s expiration date (Ordinance 6129). The…
End of Year Closure As part of the City’s annual Holiday closure, most City Land Development Team offices and operations will close beginning Friday, December 22, 2023, and will resume business on Tuesday, January 2,…
Apply today for the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP), a federally funded program offering a one-time benefit of up to $15,000 per household for past-due or current bills. We encourage low-income households to apply…
Before we all gather for the holidays, remember, pouring fats, oils, and grease (FOG) down the drain or garbage disposal creates obstructions in underground pipes and creates serious problems like blockages and sewer overflows. Protect…
Service disconnections will begin in January 2024 for water and trash bills that are 60 days overdue. Make a payment today to avoid service interruption. Payment plans are available. City customers may also qualify for water bill…
On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, the City upgraded Accela Citizen Access (ACA), the online permit portal, to have a new user-friendly look and feel for our customers. The new permit portal makes it easier to submit a new building permit,…
Bike lanes and high-visibility crosswalks are coming to the State Street Promenade from Victoria to Haley Streets as part of a pilot project! Installation will begin Tuesday, November 14, along State Street from Victoria to Anapamu…
The City has partnered with Flume to help you protect your property, take control of your water use, and save money on your next water bill. Flume gives you down to the minute, easy to read water use data to help you track water…
On November 15, 2023, the Community Development Department will deploy an expedited OnDemand permitting process for electric vehicle (EV) charger installation permits. Applicants are now able to apply online, pay fees, and instantly…
Bike lanes and high-visibility crosswalks are coming to the State Street Promenade from Victoria to Haley Streets as part of a pilot project. Installation will begin Tuesday, November 14th, along State Street from Victoria to Anapamu…
On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, the City will be upgrading Accela Citizen Access (ACA), the online permit portal, to have a new user-friendly look and feel for our customers. The new permit portal will make it easier to submit a new…
Get involved in shaping the Cliff Drive Vision Zero Project! The City is kicking off the design phase of the project with a webinar on Wednesday, November 15 and an in-person meeting on November 29. This project will create a three-mile…
During late November/early December, a new northbound bike lane will be installed on the east side of the 1400 block of Castillo Street. The new bike lane will provide a safe and direct connection for cyclists traveling from Downtown to…
Feel that chill in the air? Your plants do too. Plants in fall need about 1/3 of the water they need in summer. Easily adjust your sprinkler timer with the seasons using the Watering Percentage Adjust feature on your timer and match it to…
End of Year Closure
As part of the City’s annual Holiday closure, most City Land Development Team offices and operations will close beginning Friday, December 22, 2023, and will resume business on Tuesday, January 2, 2024…
End of Year Closure
As part of the City’s annual Holiday closure, most City Land Development Team offices and operations will close beginning Friday, December 22, 2023, and will resume business on Tuesday, January 2, 2024…
The City is rehabilitating aging sewer pipe infrastructure throughout various locations in Santa Barbara. The week of October 30, contractors will work from street manholes using trenchless methods to line sewer mains on the following…