Nighttime Paving at the Cabrillo and Los Patos Roundabout
As part of the Cabrillo and Los Patos Roundabout Project, nighttime work will occur on Cabrillo Boulevard at the Roundabout starting Tuesday, March 25 through Thursday, March 28, from 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. to allow for drainage and paving work.
Pedestrians: The Cabrillo Beachway will remain open, and pedestrian traffic can use Channel Drive via the newly installed multi-use path on Cabrillo Boulevard for access to Hot Springs Road.
Cyclists: Cyclists can either share the road (with signage in place) or dismount and use the pedestrian route through the refuge islands to Channel Drive for access to Hot Springs Road.
Drivers are encouraged to use alternate routes or detour via Milpas Street. Please expect some delays during peak traffic hours and construction noise.
This work is weather dependent and will be rescheduled in the event there is significant rain in the forecast.
The anticipated completion date for the Roundabout Project is early April 2025.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to improve our community’s infrastructure.
For more information about the Project, please visit: SantaBarbaraCA.gov/CabrilloRoundabout
For questions about the Project, please email: CabrilloRoundabout@SantaBarbaraCA.gov