All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.
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Contact Us
Santa Barbara Police Department
215 East Figueroa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 897-2300 (805) 897-2434 Fax
In case of emergency, call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Dispatch, 805-882-8900
Community Engagement & Police Programs
2025 Santa Barbara Police Department Community Academy
Saturdays - April 12 & April 19, 2025
10 AM - 4 PM
English (Español abajo):

What is the Community Academy?
The Santa Barbara Police Department Community Academy is an engaging and informational opportunity for community members to obtain more knowledge about the inner workings of SBPD. Community members will have the opportunity to meet with both sworn and professional staff during the academy experience. Community members will engage in various law enforcement topics, have discussions, ask questions, and participate in a behind-the-scenes SBPD experience.
This is also an outstanding opportunity for people that are interested in a career here and to learn more about the Santa Barbara Police Department.

The Community Academy is at no cost to the participants and will run two Saturdays, April 12 & 19, 2025, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions with an academy graduation ceremony and celebration during the final evening of class.
There may be periods of time that attendees will be walking, standing, or participating in a scenario/training experience.
What Will Participants Do During the Academy?
Experiences may include:
- Meeting the Chief of Police & Command Staff
- Station Tour & Interactive SBPD History Briefing
- New Police Station Update with Current Exterior and Interior Renderings
- Communications Center Tour
- Traffic Enforcement, Equipment & Collision Investigations
- Driving Under the Influence Investigations
- Community Action Team (e-bike patrol)
- Patrol Operations
- Police K-9 Demonstration
- Crime Scene Investigation & Fingerprinting
- Detectives & Investigations
- Professional Standards and Learning About the Complaint Investigation Process
- Mental Health Response Team
- Volunteers in Policing (VIPs)
- Police Officer Training Requirements (Inside look into the Police Academy)
- Employee Recruitment and Wellness
- Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office
- Force Options and De-escalation Scenarios (Virtual and role-playing)
- The opportunity to participate in police officer ride-alongs (Optional)
When will SBPD have a Spanish Speaking Community Academy?
We are actively planning a Spanish speaking academy in the winter of 2025.
Where is the Location of the Community Academy?
Classes will be primary held at the Santa Barbara Police Department, 215 East Figueroa Street, Santa Barbara.
Is there a Virtual (Zoom) Option Available to Attend?
No, we want to provide face-to-face, hands-on experience to our community members who attend.
What Are the Application Requirements?

Though it is not a requirement to live in the City of Santa Barbara, it is highly recommended that applicants live in the immediate area or are interested in a career at the Santa Barbara Police Department. Applicants must be 18 years or older to apply.
By applying for the Community Academy, participants give permission for the Santa Barbara Police Department to utilize any photos, video, or media obtained during the academy to be used on social media platforms, webpages, or promotional documents.
Those community members attending are allowed to take personal photographs or videos if permission is granted by the class coordinator or instructor.
A basic warrant and restraining order check will be conducted prior to admission into the Community Academy. If an applicant has an area of concern, we encourage the applicant to contact us.
If SBPD receives more applications than we have seats available, we will select using a lottery system.
Denial of acceptance is at the discretion of the Chief of Police or their designee.
How do I Apply?
Please complete the application and waiver document below and email the completed application to Sgt. Bryan Kerr -
If you have questions about the 2025 Community Academy, please call or email Sgt. Bryan Kerr at 805-897-2432 or
Academia Comunitaria de Habla Hispana del Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara
Fechas 2025 próximamente

¿Qué es la Academia Comunitaria?
La Academia Comunitaria del Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara es una oportunidad atractiva e informativa para los miembros de la comunidad para obtener más conocimientos sobre el funcionamiento interno de SBPD. Los miembros de la comunidad tendrán la oportunidad de reunirse con personal profesional y jurado durante la experiencia de la academia. Los miembros de la comunidad se involucrarán en varios temas de aplicación de la ley, tendrán discusiones, harán preguntas y participarán en una experiencia detrás de escena del SBPD.
Esta es también una excelente oportunidad para las personas que están interesadas en una carrera aquí y para aprender más sobre el Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara.
La Academia de la Comunidad es sin costo alguno para los participantes. Se anima a los participantes a asistir a todas las sesiones con una ceremonia de graduación de la academia y la celebración durante la noche final de la clase.
Puede haber períodos de tiempo cuando los asistentes estarán caminando, de pie, o participando en un escenario/experiencia de entrenamiento.

¿Qué harán los participantes durante la Academia?
Las experiencias pueden incluir:
- Conocer al Jefe de Policía y al Personal de Mando
- Puesta al día de la nueva comisaría de policía con planos exteriores e interiores actuales
- Información sobre el Centro de Comunicaciones
- Aplicación de la Ley de Tráfico, Equipamiento e Investigaciones de Colisiones
- Investigaciones sobre conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol
- Equipo de Acción Comunitaria (patrulla en bicicleta eléctrica)
- Operaciones de patrulla
- Demostración del K-9 policial
- Investigación del Lugar del Delito y Toma de Huellas Dactilares
- Detectives e investigaciones
- Normas profesionales y aprendizaje sobre el proceso de investigación de denuncias
- Equipo de Respuesta de Salud Mental
- Voluntarios de la Policía (VIP)
- Requisitos para la formación de agentes de policía (mirada al interior de la Academia de Policía)
- Reclutamiento de Empleados y Bienestar
- Fiscalía del Condado de Santa Bárbara
- Opciones de Fuerza y Escenarios de Desescalada (juego de roles)
¿Hay una Opción Virtual (Zoom) Disponible para Asistir?
No, queremos proporcionar cara a cara, la experiencia práctica a nuestros miembros de la comunidad que asisten.
¿Cuáles son los requisitos de inscripción?
Aunque no es un requisito vivir en la ciudad de Santa Bárbara, es muy recomendable que los solicitantes vivan en el área inmediata.
Los solicitantes deben tener 18 años o más para aplicar.

Animamos a cualquier persona interesada en la Academia de la Comunidad del Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara que por favor aplique. Queremos ofrecer esta oportunidad a todos los interesados en aprender más acerca de nuestros oficiales, empleados, y el Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara a aplicar.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación si usted puede ser elegible, por favor póngase en contacto con nuestro coordinador de la Academia de la Comunidad. Su información de contacto se enumera a continuación.
Al aplicar para la Academia de la Comunidad, los participantes dan permiso para que el Departamento de Policía de Santa Bárbara pueda utilizar cualquier foto, video o medios de comunicación obtenidos durante la academia para ser utilizados en plataformas de medios sociales, páginas web o documentos promocionales.
Aquellos miembros de la comunidad que asistan pueden tomar fotografías o videos personales si el coordinador de la clase o el instructor conceden el permiso.
Antes de la admisión en la Academia Comunitaria se llevará a cabo una comprobación básica de órdenes de detención y alejamiento. Si un solicitante tiene un área de preocupación, animamos al solicitante a que se comunique con nosotros.
Si SBPD recibe más solicitudes que asientos disponibles, seleccionaremos usando un sistema de lotería.
La negación de la aceptación es a discreción del Jefe de Policía o su designado.
¿Cómo presento mi solicitud?
Si usted tiene preguntas o si desea aplicar, puede ponerse en contacto con nuestro Coordinador de la Academia de la Comunidad de habla hispana el Oficial Adrian Gutierrez - o llamando al 805-331-2969.

Cadets are college students who work part time as civilian employees for the Santa Barbara Police Department and generally have an interest in a career in law enforcement.
Cadets have assignments throughout the department providing assistance in such areas as the Detective Bureau, the Shooting Range, the Training and Recruitment Bureau, Parking Enforcement and Crossing Guard Coordinator. Assignments are all rotating, giving cadets experience in all areas of the department. Being part time and working 20 hours a week with flexible shifts, cadets have no problems balancing work and school.
In addition with their regular duties, cadets also provide traffic and crowd control for parades and other special events. Cadets also have the opportunity to assist at DUI checkpoints and alcohol undercover stings. After one year of experience and good work habits, Cadets can qualify for a pay increase and promotion to Cadet II.
Click here to apply!
The Chaplaincy Program was established to assist police officers and the people of the community through a field service ministry. They provide guidance, counseling and comfort in times of crisis, to all employees and the residents of Santa Barbara. The services of the chaplains are available on the basis of need and desire. They are not intended, nor do they wish to replace an individual’s clergyman.
To be appointed as a police chaplain, one must meet a variety of minimum qualifications; to name a few, they must be an ordained or licensed member of the clergy in good standing, be willing to volunteer their services on a 24-hour call basis and successfully complete an application and background process with the police department. As well as the training in the ministry field, chaplains receive additional training in family, grief and drug addiction counseling; and participate in a monthly ride-along with a patrol officer.
The police department currently has five chaplains who are available to provide personal and family counseling to department personnel and their families. They are available to conduct wedding and funeral services and hospital visitation for department personnel and their families. They respond to assist officers on calls and use their specific ability in relating news with empathy, dignity and sympathy in situations such as death notifications and incidents of serious injury. They are available for counseling of rape victims, drug abusers, child abuse victims, battered spouses, etc.
The Police Chaplain is a valuable resource to the patrol officer, allowing the officer to focus on the investigation of the incident and the Chaplain tending to the needs of the victim.
Visit Santa Barbara Police Activities League for information about Activities, Teen Center, and Getting Involved.
Thank you for your interest in the Santa Barbara Police Department. The Community Ride-Along Program is a project designed to improve interaction with members of the City of Santa Barbara and to give interested adults a first-hand opportunity to observe the police perform their everyday patrol duties. As a result of this program, the community will have a better understanding of the challenges confronting police, and the police officers will be exposed to the concerns and views of the community.
Anyone eighteen years of age or older may be permitted to participate in the Program at the discretion of the Police Department. All individuals must completely fill out, sign, and return the application with release agreement to the Santa Barbara Police Department, at which time a criminal records check will be performed. Before a ride may be scheduled you must first successfully pass the criminal records check.
A Ride-Along typically can last 5-6 hours and participation is limited to once per year.
Ride-Along guests must be in professional attire, consisting of dress pants, a button-down shirt or blouse, and flat dress shoes. Sneakers, T-Shirts, jeans, shorts, or sandals are unacceptable for any guest. No cameras or tape recorders are permitted. No exceptions to this standard will be permitted.
Although rare, situations may arise necessitating rescheduling, interruption or denial of a scheduled Ride-Along in the interest of safety. This decision is made solely by the Department and is at its discretion.
To ensure your safety and enjoyment during the Ride-Along, guests shall abide by the following rules:
- All Ride-Along guests shall stay in the car unless directed by the officer supervising the Ride-Along.
- No Ride-Along guest shall be allowed to enter private residences or private property not open to the general public.
- Cameras and recording devices are strictly prohibited.
If you are interested in going on a Community Ride-Along:
- Fill out the SBPD Ride Along Application (click link for application) in its entirety. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
- Send your completed application to SBPD in one of three ways.
- Via regular mail - Santa Barbara Police Department, ATTN: Ride-Along Program, 215 E. Figueroa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
- Send via e-mail - (copy & paste)
- Via drop off in the SBPD lobby (address above)
Processing your application can take up to 10 business days from the time of receipt.
Following a background check, you will be contacted with the date and time of your Ride-Along based on your preferences provided on the application.

Blue Envelope Program
The Blue Envelope program is designed to promote inclusivity and serve as an enhanced communication awareness tool between police officers and neurodiverse community members who may benefit from additional accommodations or awareness during a police interaction.

Volunteers in Policing (VIP)
SBPD’s VIP program enhances the department’s relationship and communication with the public, through an approach known as community-oriented policing.