Eastside Library will be closed due to construction work through 8/7.

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Contact Information

Bill Hornung, General Services Manager
(805) 564-5350


Living Wage Advisory Committee

The Living Wage Advisory Committee was established on April 25, 2006, by Resolution No. 06-031. Its purpose is to advise the City Council regarding the City’s implementation of the Living Wage Ordinance.

General Functions

  • To advise the City Council regarding the City’s implementation of the Living Wage Ordinance.
  • To consider request pursuant to Santa Barbara Municipal Code Section 9.128.010(E)(5) that an employee benefit provided by a Service Contractor qualifies as a “Supplemental Employee Benefit” under Section 9.128.020(C) of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code.
  • To advise the City Council with respect to the granting of preferences to those organizations and entities which receive City grant funding when such organizations and entities pay their employees a wage consistent with the levels established in the City’s Living Wage Ordinance.

Committee Functions


7 Members


Appointees may not hold any full-time paid office or employment in City government.

  • One member of the Committee shall be employed by a local Santa Barbara area nonprofit entity;
  • One member who is either an owner or a manager of a service contractor subject to the City’s Living Wage Ordinance;
  • Two members nominated by a local Santa Barbara area living wage advocacy organization or organizations.
  • One member nominated by either the Santa Barbara Downtown Organization or the Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce;
  • One member who is an owner or a manager of a business operating within the City;
  • One member from the Public at Large - 
    • Should there be no suitable applicants from the Downtown Organization/Chamber of Commerce and/or Owner/Manager of a business operating within the City, City Council could appoint up to three (3) members from the Public at Large.

Length of Term

The term of office for each Committee Member shall be for a period of 4 years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, those persons initially appointed to the Committee shall be appointed for staggered partial terms as follows: two members shall be appointed for four-year terms, two members shall be appointed three-year terms, two members shall be appointed for two-year terms, and one member shall be appointed for a one-year term. The City Clerk shall allocate these terms of office to each of the initial seven Committee members by lot upon their appointment. Terms of appointment shall end on June 30th of the appropriate year, or until their successors shall be appointed by the City Council.

Meeting Schedule

The meetings of the Committee will be held quarterly in City Hall, Room 15, located at 735 Anacapa Street at 3:00 p.m.

Please contact staff for details.

Time Involved

Approximately 1 – 2 hours per quarter

Financial Disclosure Requirement

Members are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests upon appointment, annually and when leaving the Advisory Committee.




Bill Hornung, General Services Manager, (805) 564-5350


Resolution Nos. 24-065 and 06-031.