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Dan Gullett
Principal Planner
(805) 897-2569


General Plan Elements & Appendices


The term “element” refers to the topics that California law requires to be covered in a general plan (Gov. Code § 65302). There is no mandatory structure or maximum number of elements that a general plan must include. Once added into the general plan, each element, regardless of statutory requirement, must be consistent with other elements. 

A General Plan typically has a time horizon that outlines the community’s vision for about 20 years, providing a long-term framework for land use and future growth.  The Housing Element however is updated on an eight year cycle per state law. Other element updates may be triggered by the Housing Element update or other state laws.   The City’s 2011 General Plan update resulted in a new General Plan Introductory Framework, a comprehensively updated Land Use Element, and new goals and policies for the remaining elements. Other previous General Plan components are still in effect as shown below. 

ElementLast UpdatedOther Components
Historic Resources2012 
Land Use*2011 
Open Space*, Park and Recreation2011

1972 Open Space Element

1982 Parks and Recreation Element

Economy and Fiscal Health2011 
Environmental Resources2011

1979 Conservation* Element

1979 Noise* Element

Circulation*20111997 Circulation Element
*Mandated Elements



General Plan Program EIR

The following includes the Certified Final Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Plan Santa Barbara General Plan Update and Addenda.