2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.


Boards & Commissions

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The SFDB protects Santa Barbara's distinctive neighborhood character through its review of proposals for single-unit residential development. The SFDB meets biweekly.
The Sister Cities Board oversees and coordinates relationships with several cities in different countries throughout the world, especially Sister Cities. The Sister Cities Board meets every other month on Wednesdays at noon.
The SHO reviews development applications, ensuring compliance with city regulations while addressing neighborhood concerns and promoting community standards in Santa Barbara. The SHO meets biweekly.
The State Street Advisory Committee advises on creation of the State Street Master Plan, which focuses on public space improvements, economic development, and revitalization of downtown State Street.
The Street Tree Advisory Committee was established by the Parks and Recreation Commission to provide advice to the Parks and Recreation Department, and Commission, regarding planting and removing street trees, trees in front yard setbacks…
While the City had been considered a leader in environmental issues for many years, the City Council formally created a sustainability program in 2006 to coordinate environmental project efforts in different departments. The Sustainability…
The Transportation and Circulation Committee advises City Council and the Planning Commission on transportation issues, including the Circulation Element to the City General Plan, and various issues dealing with alternate transportation…
The Water Commission has the power and duty to recommend and act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the management, extension and operation of the Water Department and water facilities of the City;…
Total results: 44 Page 5 of 5
Meeting of the Planning Commission with the Seal of Santa Barbara behind them


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Archive plans hanging on both sides of walk aisle.

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