2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.


Boards & Commissions

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The purpose of the Committee is to initiate the drafting of all ordinances adding, amending or repealing sections of the Municipal Code (Ord. 3533).
On December 29, 2011 the California State Supreme Court upheld AB 1 X 26 (the “Dissolution Act”) and required the dissolution of every redevelopment agency within California as of February 1, 2012. The bill included provisions for a…
The Oversized Vehicle Off-Street Parking Ad Hoc Stakeholder Committee was established on November 8, 2016 to consider additional off-street parking opportunities for persons living in oversized vehicles and bring recommendations to Council.
The Parks and Recreation Commission acts in advisory capacity to City Council in all matters pertaining to parks, recreation, beaches, creeks, plazas, parkways, and street trees. The Parks and Recreation Commission meets monthly on…
The Planning Commission reviews land use applications and advises the City Council on land use, ensuring community goals and policies are met. It has seven members and meets the first three Thursdays of the month.
The Rental Housing Mediation Board facilitates communication between landlords and tenants, mediates disputes, and promotes fair rental practices in Santa Barbara to enhance housing stability.
The Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show Advisory Committee was established by Municipal Code 15.08.060 to advise the Parks and Recreation Department on matters relating to the administration of the Arts and Crafts Show. The Committee meets…
The Santa Barbara Youth Council represents community youth to ensure their concerns, issues and viewpoints are presented. The SBYC also promotes and encourages youth interest and participation in community affairs, as well as make…
The City of Santa Barbara has long recognized that signs are an integral part of the cityscape and, as such, can detract from or enhance the City's image and character. The City first adopted a sign ordinance in 1922, and many changes in…
Total results: 44 Page 4 of 5
Meeting of the Planning Commission with the Seal of Santa Barbara behind them


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Archive plans hanging on both sides of walk aisle.

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