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Mayor & City Council


(L-R: Oscar Gutierrez, Wendy Santamaria, Eric Friedman, Mayor Randy Rowse, Mike Jordan, Kristen Sneddon, Meagan Harmon)

City Councilmembers serve a district within the City and the Mayor represents the entire City.

Wendy Santamaria
Wendy Santamaria
Councilmember, District 1
Mike Jordan, Councilmember - District 2 - City of Santa Barbara
Mike Jordan
Councilmember, District 2
Oscar Gutierrez, Councilmember - District 3 - City of Santa Barbara
Oscar Gutierrez
Councilmember, District 3
Councilmember Kristen Sneddon
Kristen Sneddon
Councilmember, District 4
Eric Friedman, Council member - District 5 - City of Santa Barbara
Eric Friedman
Mayor Pro Tempore and Councilmember, District 5
Meagan Harmon, Mayor Pro Tempore - District 6 - City of Santa Barbara
Meagan Harmon
Councilmember, District 6
Public meeting of the Advisory Group of Santa Barbara

Council Meetings

The Mayor & City Council represent the community, with each Councilmember serving a specific district within the City, while the Mayor represents the City as a whole. Regular City Council meetings are held on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, located on the upper floor of City Hall. Occasionally, meeting dates and times may vary due to holidays, scheduled City Hall closures, or other circumstances. City Council meetings are broadcast in English and Spanish on the City TV YouTube or Cox Cable Channel 18. Spanish translation and transcription are also available on any smart device; instructions are posted on the meeting agenda and in Council Chambers.

Duties of the Office of the Mayor and City Council

City Council's duties under the City Charter include approval of the Annual Budget and oversight of the financial affairs of the City. The City Council has the power to adopt ordinances and resolutions, make appointments to advisory boards and commissions, establish policy and approve programs, act on program and administrative recommendations of City staff, appropriate funds and approve contracts, and respond to concerns and needs of residents.

The Mayor presides over the City Council meetings, which are held weekly in open public session in the Council Chambers.

Together, the City Council and the Mayor establish policy, approve programs, and oversee the financial affairs of the City to govern Santa Barbara. They also appoint the City Administrator and the City Attorney, as well as serve as the Board Members of the Redevelopment Agency. Individually, Councilmembers may represent the City by serving on state and regional boards and local civic organizations.

Staff of the Office of the Mayor and City Council provide support in a variety of ways, including routing and responding to numerous calls, emails, and letters from citizens each week, greeting office visitors, coordinating meetings with the Mayor and Councilmembers, and assisting with the day-to-day operations of the Office of the Mayor and City Council.
