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Bio Image
Oscar Gutierrez, Councilmember - District 3 - City of Santa Barbara

Oscar Gutierrez

Councilmember, District 3

"I consider myself lucky to have been born and raised in Santa Barbara, 'the American Rivera.' I’m a proud alumnus of our quality local education system, having graduated with honors from San Marcos High School, followed shortly by my graduation from the School of Media Arts at Santa Barbara City College where I earned three national awards. I went on to earn a degree from the University California, Santa Barbara where I received high honors in the Film Department, and won UCLA's Best Documentary award for my senior film project. In my 19-year Journalism and Videography career I worked for ABC, Warner Brothers, Univision, SBCC, and UCSB, among others, and received more than 30 national and regional nominations and awards. That career also involved working with local government and public service sectors, and media coverage of local politics. Those experiences prompted me to step up and serve as the first millennial elected to the Santa Barbara City Council.

It’s my pleasure to represent my district and my hometown. As a bilingual member of Council, I’m able to engage a large portion of Santa Barbara’s diverse population, including those who previously felt underrepresented. I strongly believe that one's career should be more than just a way to pay bills, it should also help to define a person. I trust that the decisions I make as a Councilmember will define me as a representative strongly committed to the community I serve."

District Boundary Map

Current term: through December 2028
Elected to the City Council in a Special Election held June 2018.
Appointed to a five-year term in August 2019, Elected to a four-year term in November 2024.
Sworn in for his second full term as the District 3 Council representative on January 7, 2025

Committees, Agencies and Liaisons

Advisory Groups

City Council Standing Committees

City-Related Agencies

  • PATH Neighborhood Partnership
  • Santa Barbara Center for the Performing Arts

Regional Agencies

  • CommUnify
  • South Coast Youth Safety Partnership