Eastside Library will be closed due to construction work through 8/7.

Bio Image
Randy Rowse, Mayor - City of Santa Barbara
Phone: (805) 564-5322

Randy Rowse


Elected as Mayor in November 2021 to a five-year term.
Sworn in as the 51st Mayor of Santa Barbara on January 11, 2022.
Previously served as a City Councilmember from 2010-2019.

Committees, Agencies and Liaisons

Advisory Groups, City Council Liaisons

  • Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals
  • Sister Cities Board (alternate)

City-Related Agencies

  • Downtown Santa Barbara
  • Looking Good Santa Barbara (alternate)

Council Representation on Regional Agencies

  • Coastal Rail Coordinating Council (CRCC)
  • Los Angeles-San Diego Rail Corridoor Agency (LOSSAN)
  • Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District Board (APCD)
  • Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG)
  •  Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District Board

National and State Organizations

  • League of California Cities Board
  • U.S. Conference of Mayors - Hunger and Homelessness Task Group (Chair)