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ADA Transition Plan Update Report:


2006-2007 Transition Plan Update Report & Self Evaluation Update

The City hired Gilda Puente-Peters, Architects (GPPA), an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Consulting Specialist, for the amount of $259,044, to update the City’s 1991/1992 ADA Transition Plan. The City had developed this original Transition Plan in compliance with the 1990 ADA. Even though the City had consistently worked to remove physical (architectural) barriers for people with disabilities and promote alternate programs to create access where barriers could not be removed, the City believed it important to take the lead in preparing a report updating the Transition Plan Update Report.

In parallel to completing the Transition Plan Update Report, staff has worked to develop new resources, which included updates to the Accessibility Website, refining our internal ADA Compliance structure, revising our ADA Notice and Grievance process, and providing an Access Advisory Committee annual update to Council.

To take action on the Transition Plan Update Report the City's plans and completes yearly capital projects improving accessibility. All Capital Projects, including those with accessibility components, are outlined in the City's 6-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). With input from the Public, Access Advisory Committee, City Staff, and the GPPA Transition Plan Update Report accessibility projects are reviewed, prioritized, and programmed.

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