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FEMA Revised Mapping of the Special Flood Hazard Area


Flood Insurance Rate Map 90 Day Appeal Period Has Begun

Review preliminary Flood Hazard Zone changes with our City of Santa Barbara Interactive Flood Hazard Map

The City of Santa Barbara currently participates in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).  The NFIP makes flood insurance available to residents, makes the City eligible for pre-disaster grants and assistance to apply towards adaptation projects to minimize risks, and makes the City eligible for disaster relief assistance. FEMA is in the process of revising the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) maps for parts of City of Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara County. The extents of the revised SFHA include parts of Montecito, Carpinteria, Buellton, Solvang, and Santa Ynez. Click on the links below to learn more.

There is a 90-day appeal period from September 19 to December 18, 2024. During this time, residents or businesses with supporting technical and scientific information, such as detailed hydraulic or hydrologic data, can appeal the revised flood risk information on the preliminary maps. If you would like to submit an appeal or comment regarding the preliminary map in the City of Santa Barbara jurisdiction, you may email For more information on the appeal period, please read the County of Santa Barbara's press release

Thank you to everyone who has attended the July 9th, 2024 Open House. (Open House Video Recording - YouTube)

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map
LOMA - Letter of Map Amendment
LOMR - Letter of Map Revision
NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program
NFHL – National Flood Hazard Layer
SFHA - Special Flood Hazard Area
SOMA - Summary of Map Actions

If you have questions about a parcel that is not within the jurisdiction of the City of Santa Barbara, please contact County of Santa Barbara Floodplain Management Section at (805) 568-3440 or visit