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Kathleen Kennedy
Project Planner
(805) 564-5470 x4560


Police Station Environmental Documents


Project Address: 601 Santa Barbara Street (formerly 119 E. Cota Street)

The project consists of demolition of an existing parking lot and construction of a new three-story, approximately 53-foot-high, approximately 64,000-square-foot Police Station building, and associated 37.5-foot-high, approximately 84,000-square-foot parking structure to accommodate 236 parking spaces (128 for Police Department fleet vehicles and 108 for employee vehicles). Each structure would also have a subterranean level. Emergency service antennas would be installed on the roof of the parking structure. Eight additional vehicle surface parking spaces and four bicycle parking spaces would be provided for visitors. Grading includes 22,000 cubic yards of export. A total of 23 Tipuana tipu trees and 12 oak trees would be removed; 9 Tipuana tipu trees would be protected. The existing MTD bus stop shelter on Cota Street would be relocated along Cota Street. The existing plaques commemorating the old Lincoln School would also be relocated and incorporated into the project. The project requires Height Exception and Development Plan approvals by the Planning Commission and Project Design and Final approvals by the Architectural Board of Review. The parcel has a zoning designation of M-C (Manufacturing Commercial) and a General Plan Designation: of Commercial Industrial/ Medium High Density Residential/ Priority Housing Overlay (37-63 du/ac).