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Maria Schroeder
Housing Programs Specialist
(805) 564-5461 x4473

Myndi Hegeman
Housing Programs Specialist

(805) 564-5461 x4578


Affordable Housing


The purpose of the Housing Development and Preservation Program is to foster an inclusive and balanced community by promoting and facilitating rental housing that is affordable to very low and low-income households, and ownership housing that is affordable to primarily moderate-income households.

The City has done well in creating a level of affordable housing that constitutes approximately 10% of the City's housing stock. Program staff evaluate proposals from local housing providers requesting financial assistance and / or other development incentives from the City for construction of new rental or ownership housing or to preserve existing rental housing. Housing developed or preserved in partnership with the City remains affordable for 90 years pursuant to an agreement recorded against the title.


If you currently own an affordable unit in the City of Santa Barbara and would like to refinance your existing mortgage or obtain a home equity line of credit, please have your lender complete and submit a Statement of Lender Form.

Homeowners are required to obtain City approval for any financing on their affordable home. Please refer to the City’s Refinance Requirements for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions

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