Upcoming Nighttime Paving to Improve City Streets March 23 Through March 26
To reduce daytime traffic and business impacts, the City will be performing nighttime construction between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. from March 23 through March 26 (weather permitting) to grind off existing asphalt and place new asphalt roadway surfaces.
Specifically, night work will occur at the following locations:
The State Street and Las Positas Road intersection on the following nights (weather permitting):
o Sunday, March 23
o Monday, March 24
Haley Street, from Garden Street to Salsipuedes Street on the following nights (weather permitting):
o Monday, March 24th
o Tuesday, March 25th
Anacapa Street, from Cota Street to Haley Street and the intersection of Anacapa Street and Gutierrez Street on the following night (weather permitting):
o Wednesday March 26th
Please expect temporary road closures, detours, traffic delays, and construction noise for all paving projects. During this construction/paving work, driveways will not be accessible. Impacted areas will be posted with no parking signs. Please heed parking restrictions and park your vehicle outside of the posted areas during the paving process. Sidewalks will remain open.
These paving projects are weather dependent and subject to change.
These paving projects are part of the work announced in the Paving Work to Enhance City Infrastructure Press Release on February 27.
These projects are primarily funded through local Measure C tax dollars.
The City appreciates the public’s patience and cooperation as we work to improve our streets.
For more information, visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Streets or contact Adam Ziets, Project Engineer II, at (805) 897-1981 or AZiets@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.