Essential SB Community Town Hall Events
Join us for a series of Community Town Halls dedicated to discussing the City's finances and the status of essential City services. Spanish interpretation will be provided.
The City and its elected leaders are committed to supporting essential local services; this includes public safety, streets, affordable housing, parks, libraries, and many other services and infrastructure maintained by the General Fund. Like many California cities, the increasing cost of maintaining these services continues to exceed projected revenues, and despite ongoing efforts to balance the budget, the City is projected to face a structural budget deficit in the coming years. This deficit is anticipated to grow to 5-7% of the General Fund within the next 3 years which, if not addressed, will present challenges for the City’s long term fiscal health and ability to maintain many core services. The City’s leadership is currently exploring ways to meet these and other challenges, including the potential for new revenue sources.
We encourage community members to join in the conversation, as your feedback is essential in shaping the future of our city!
Town Hall Schedule:
- Mon. April 29, 6:30-7:30 pm, Valle Verde Retirement Community (900 Calle De Los Amigos)
- Thur. May 2, 6:30-7:30 pm, Peabody Charter School (3018 Calle Noguera)
- Sat. May 4, 10:00-11:00 am, Franklin Neighborhood Center (1136 E Montecito St)
- Mon. May 6, 6:00-7:00 pm, Monroe Elementary School (431 Flora Vista Dr)
- Wed. May 8, 6:30-7:30 pm, Harding Elementary School (1625 Robbins St)
- Fri. May 10, 5:30-6:30 pm, Carrillo Recreation Center (100 E Carrillo St)
Event Details, Map, and Printable Flyer: SantaBarbaraCA.gov/EssentialSB
Community Priorities Survey
An online community survey is also available in both English and Spanish to accommodate those who cannot attend the town halls. Visit SantaBarbaraCA.gov/EssentialSB for additional details on City services, budget projections, and to access the survey.