City Council Denied The Appeal And Upheld The Parks & Recreation Commission's Motion To Approve The Removal Of 13 Trees For The Milpas Street Crosswalk Safety And Sidewalk Widening Project
At the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, the City Council heard and denied a resident’s appeal of the Parks & Recreation Commission’s motion to remove 13 street trees associated with the Milpas Street Crosswalk Safety and Sidewalk Widening Project (Project). The Project will proceed with final design and removal of the 8 Ficus trees identified as safety obstructions (Tree Exhibits for Milpas Street). City Staff will provide advance notifications prior to the start of the tree removals. The Project also includes planting of 37 new canopy street trees. For Project updates and information, subscribe to the Project website at SantaBarbaraCA.gov/MilpasSafeCrossings.