
City Projects

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Santa Barbara Police Station Project.jpg
The existing Santa Barbara City Police Station, located at 215 East Figueroa Street, was constructed in 1959. Since that time, there have been substantial increases in both City population and Police Department staff. In addition, the…
Santa Barbara Airport FAA Tower with mountains backdrop
The FAA is requiring SBA bring the airfield into compliance with FAA Engineering Brief 89 regarding taxiway naming conventions.  FAA Engineering Brief requirements are now contained in FAA Advisory Circulars and provide the Airport…
Thousand Steps staircase to the beach
The Thousand Steps Repair Project includes demolition and reconstruction of the lowest 24 steps, the installation of ten additional concrete steps to extend the stairway below the wintertime scoured beach condition, and more.
Turf at Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden
Ongoing turf renovations and irrigation upgrades will increase the safety, function, and beauty of Santa Barbara's parks.
Upper Las Positas Creek.JPG
The Upper Las Positas Creek Restoration Project, completed in 2010, included the restoration of approximately eight acres of wetland habitat and an engineered storm water management system at the Santa Barbara Golf Club and Adams…
Cliff Drive Undergrounding.jpg
Property owners interested in forming a utility underground assessment district can request the City of Santa Barbara to administer the formation process. There are three ways property owners can underground existing overhead utilities:
Vic Trace Reservoir
Vic Trace Reservoir is the City’s second largest drinking water storage tank and serves as a ten-million-gallon distribution hub for the Downtown and Westside areas.
Vision 2030 logo. The words in blue with blue and orange chevron shapes
Mission statement: The City of Santa Barbara’s Vision 2030 boldly responds to current civic challenges through a commitment to staff and community for smart, collaborative, and resilient government.  
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